Nazi sighting

So I’m driving down Michigan Street at 8:45 tonight, and walking down the sidewalk toward the main entrance of the Depot is this guy dressed in full Third Reich regalia. I’m talking military-grade Lederhosen, swastika arm-band and even an olive flack helmet, walking like he’s got a stick up his ass. I did overcome the urge to yell obscenities or throw things out the window, but I couldn’t resist slowing way down and gawking. I mean, who does that?

I considered that maybe the Playhouse is doing some thing involving the holocaust, but in that case don’t they have dressing rooms? Who in their right mind would be caught dead in that get-up outside? Then my co-worker suggested that maybe he was going to attend one of the court-ordered group sessions for drunk drivers they have at the Depot and trying to make some political statement. But that just begs the question, what kind of person has that stuff laying around in his closet?

I’m compelled to wonder, is this something ugly that blew in on a tall ship, or just some local dumbass making an idiot out of himself?


Barrett Chase

about 15 years ago

I think a better question is: What kind of person sees someone dressed in a costume outside of a local theater and immediate assumes it's "some local dumbass making an idiot of himself" and has the urge to yell obscenities?

He's an actor from The Producers, in costume.

Drunk drivers? Are you serious?


about 15 years ago

Sorry.  All of my jeans and t-shirts were in the wash.


about 15 years ago

It's spring time for Hitler and Germany.


about 15 years ago

As a part of the cast of The Producers, this is incredible to see this post. The show is in its' 3rd week of performances, and 8:45 pm is roughly the time that the first act is over. The actor you're speaking of was walking around to make an entrance through the audience. There are also actors and actresses in other various "offensive" costumes taking the same path.

Thanks for paying attention to what's going on in the arts community. 

And Barrett, thanks for clearing things up first.


about 15 years ago

Things that are awesome about this post:

1. That the initial reaction to an idea that is not one that you subscribe to is to assault that person. 

2. That this would be the strangest thing someone has seen in downtown Duluth.

3. That just because someone is a Nazi they should not be allowed to appreciate the awesome train museum. 

4. That I found out that a common Nazi stereotype is being drunk and driving around. Nazis have no respect for human lives. 

5. That Germany was apparently defeated because instead of using submarines they were tooling around in tall ships.

I leave this post with a collection of facts with which to dazzle my peers at R.T. Quinlans.

Jv Ribbentrop

about 15 years ago

Never, ever stop. You, robergandio... red... rougekomodo... whatever you insist on being called (I'm sure that an iguana is sacred to the CPUSA. So it's cool. Cool?). Never, ever stop.

I'm just thrilled to bits you have a co-worker.

And, finally, under no circumstances should the frequenters of PDD not take perennial favorite "Red Iguana" seriously. When the revolution comes, it'll be just fucking adorable... and you'll have a red iguana to thank. Who makes compulsary re-education fun? Red Iguana does.

Additionally: Ah-ha-ha-haha... wait, is that Glenn Beck?

[Disclaimer: This post and any typos or grammatical errors present herein are not meant or offered to distract from "rediguana's" initial post. Please continue to patronize "rediguana's" posts uncritically. Unless you are. Then you're awesome. Thank you and may God bless you and God bless America... or not... what the hell do i care?]

burly fan

about 15 years ago

Burly is back! (starring as Jv Ribbentrop)


about 15 years ago

Say what you will about em, but the Nazis were snappy dressers.


about 15 years ago

Assume everything research nothing


about 15 years ago

This is my favorite PDD post ever. I love Duluth.


about 15 years ago

I want to be a producer!

Dave Sorensen

about 15 years ago

I think many real Nazis dress like skinheads, though not all skinheads are Nazis. Some actors dress like Nazis, though not many Nazis are actors. I don't know about Mel Gibson.


about 15 years ago

Every baby is a blessing! Except Baby Hitler.


about 15 years ago

This post both scares and titillates me. The post scares me, the comments titillate. : )


about 15 years ago

Don't be smug, people. I have heard of The Producers but didn't know it involved Hitler - it's presumptuous of Erin to think that just because the poster is unfamiliar with The Producers, he's unfamiliar with the entire local arts scene.

And Kujawa, calling Nazism "an idea that is not one that you subscribe to" is relativism taken too far. Being tolerant and accepting doesn't mean blindly embracing every philosophy.


about 15 years ago

@ Barrett got it right on.  

A dude in a costume outside of a theatre?  What the hell is going on around here?


about 15 years ago

Theater people love to be scene.


about 15 years ago

I saw a group of people down by the harbor dressed as pirates.  And they were armed with a tiny cannon!  Pirates are bad guys, let's get 'em!


about 15 years ago

Way to take offense, Erin. There's a huge portion of Duluth who are not into theater, and it's time you got used to that fact.


about 15 years ago

Well, Will, I guess the point wasn't so much that I was pushing for Nazism to attain tax exempt status. It was actually the fact that second degree assault seemed like a reasonable option if you should come across a person you hate. Especially when you hate that person simply for the clothes they were wearing. If I decided it was okay to mete out punishment to persons wearing Zubaz, I think many would frown upon that. I guess what I'm saying is that Zubaz are a part of our history as a human race, and as shameful as they or Nazism are, we cannot afford to pretend they never existed. For then we risk history repeating itself. In conclusion, if this idea of hurling objects and swears at people takes off, I vote for those assholes who wear fanny packs.


about 15 years ago

I chuckle.  Oh, how I chuckle.

I'm glad local theater is alive and well in Duluth and getting a reaction.

Come see The Producers before it closes this weekend.  It's a hoot.


about 15 years ago

The word presumptuous means unwarrantedly or impertinently bold; I don't understand how a commenter would be called this when all she is doing is defending something she is passionate about. If anyone is being presumptuous here, it would be the person posting this very humorous blog that shows complete naivety (i.e. lack of common sense) ... and he is finding out quickly that posting a blog warrants all sorts of comments from near and far and has now been posted on Facebook which is how I found out about it. YIKES! 

There are many reasons that an actor would not be in said dressing room such as making an emergency phone call, getting a breath of fresh air (theaters and costumes get quite warm), needing a quiet place to rehearse lines, or maybe "get in the zone," or in this case walking to the back of the house to get in position for the ending of the first act.

I encourage you to see the show, it is quite hilarious and wonderful. There are still tickets for this weekend I hear. 

HAHAHA ... blew in with a tall ship. Are you for real?

Dumbstruck in Duluth

about 15 years ago

Wow! Red Iguana, you got owned!  Or is the term pawned?  Either way, it was hilarious!  Please keep posting your inane comments and "quirky" observations; they are the best!  You could do stand-up...while "here is your sign!" is already taken as a catch phrase, by maybe "something ugly JUST blew in!" is still available.


about 15 years ago

Thanks for the post Baci. Now I've got that song stuck in my head and will be speaking like Ulla all day long.


about 15 years ago

At ease, people. Rediguana obviously jumped to conclusions, but has a bit of a legit point. It should have occurred to the folks doing the play that if they have actors walking around outside in Nazi regalia, it could freak people out. I doubt Rediguana's the only one. Most people who drive by there have no clue what play's going on inside, nor should they have to.


about 15 years ago

The colorful overreaction in the post is overshadowed by the malicious overreaction in the comments. Look! Man down - kick him in the throat!


about 15 years ago

Yea, fergus, Yea I say!  A voice of reason at last. Not so many people posting here are walking their talk me thinks.

Barrett Chase

about 15 years ago

Fergus and Will: Red Iguana didn't know what play was going on inside, but he did know that it was a theater, as he even mentioned in his post. He then dismissed the idea that the man in costume was part of the theater, and assumed that he was someone who deserves to have things thrown at him, verbally and physically.

I don't care what the costume is, when you see someone in costume outside of a theater, there is really only one logical and sane conclusion: that he his part of that theater. 

All of these other ideas are literally ridiculous, in that they deserve to be ridiculed.

Barrett Chase

about 15 years ago

That said, Red Iguana has taken more than enough heat for his mistake here, and we should all let him up off the mat.


about 15 years ago

I think theater people can go to hell.


about 15 years ago

Is there also a character with @$$-less chaps in the Producers? I saw a person walking around with his bum hanging out earlier this week by the Depot.


about 15 years ago

Darn those theater people for making fun of Nazis! ;)


about 15 years ago

@ Barrett - The problem is Nazi regalia is (unfortunately) common enough that it doesn't automatically register as a costume one would wear in a play. Some people wear that stuff for reasons I'd rather not think about.

@Kujawa - I seriously doubt Rediguana was really going to beat this person up. I had assumed he was just expressing his reaction to the site of someone in a Nazi costume.

Barrett Chase

about 15 years ago

Will, I have never seen an actual person wearing Nazi regalia in my entire life. Where do you hang out?


about 15 years ago

You knuckleheads! It was the new head of AFSCME here in Duluth on the way to his labor negotiations.


about 15 years ago

jim:  you are a tool of the highest order. Please crawl back under the DCB rock from whence you came.


about 15 years ago

@hmmmm, first of all, ALL chaps are assless.  Otherwise they'd be pants. 

And secondly, Yes.

You guys should just go see the show. This is honestly the best advertising, ever.

Zac Bentz

about 15 years ago

There's a theater in Duluth? Huh. Never heard of it. They must not hold "events."

Dumbstruck in Duluth

about 15 years ago

For late comers, the best comments to date:

Sorry. All of my jeans and t-shirts were in the wash.

Say what you will about em, but the Nazis were snappy dressers.

Some actors dress like Nazis, though not many Nazis are actors. I don't know about Mel Gibson.

Every baby is a blessing! Except Baby Hitler.

Theater people love to be scene.

I saw a group of people down by the harbor dressed as pirates. And they were armed with a tiny cannon! Pirates are bad guys, let's get 'em!

Darn those theater people for making fun of Nazis!


about 15 years ago

I fully support anything that comes out of Jody Kujawa's mouth.


about 15 years ago

Thank you HotRod. Hey, how are you doing?


about 15 years ago

OMG! It's a joke, right? It must be. This is seriously the funniest thing I have ever read!  I saw the play last night and I am 100 percent German (born AND raised there) and I am positive I was the loudest one laughing in the crowd. My god, get that stick out of YOUR ass, perhaps?


about 15 years ago

Hypothesis:  The original post is guerilla marketing designed to heighten awareness of The Producers.


about 15 years ago

I'm doing good dude.  Whatcha up to this weekend?


about 15 years ago

For those interested, here is Duluth Playhouse website for the play...

There are only three more showings left in Duluth.  Tonight and tomorrow at 7:30pm, and Sunday at 2pm!


about 15 years ago

Barrett, Heard of Jesse James and that tattoo he was cheating on his wife with? Big into the Nazi regalia. It may have been a show, may have been a theater, may have been an actor. None-the-less fuck the Nazi is a reasonable attitude. Wanting to beat the hell out of them is a reasonable attitude. However making sure you got a real Nazi and not an actor (unless he happen to be  a Nazi who acts) would be a prerequisite to any beating. I think we all have things that irritate us and give us a momentary urge to be vulgar or commit violence. Hell a daily drive in traffic does it to most people, yet we all usually get where we are going with actually acting on the impulse. The key is not acting on those urges and letting the rational mind do its work. I think it is important to note the original poster did not administer any beating but turned to PDD for an explanation were they got many and a lot of flack to boot.


about 15 years ago

Thinking about similar themed post pwnage, wasn't there one on here about four-five years ago where someone was rallying to protest all the pollution being dumped in the lake because the water was appearing brown, when really it was just natural river run off or something?

Barrett Chase

about 15 years ago

I've never seen Jesse James in real life either.


about 15 years ago

Uh, Kiki? Considering that you are German (as am I) and keeping in mind the terrible things the Nazis did and the fact that it wasn't all that long ago...maybe you should have a little more of a stick up your ass? Nazis are a pretty good thing to have a stick up your ass about. I'm not humorless, I'm just not insenstive either.

Barrett Chase

about 15 years ago

Will, the play was written by Mel Brooks -- a Jew. Are you saying we should "have a stick up our ass" about a comedy -- which you admittedly know nothing about -- with a Nazi uniform in it? How backwoods PC.


about 15 years ago

Barrett, I didn't say I know nothing about comedy. I said I didn't know about The Producers. And what I was reacting to was Kiki's apparently very blithe attitude towards the casual use of Nazism. To me, some things in life are worth treating cautiously and Nazism is one of them.

Barrett Chase

about 15 years ago

And I didn't say you knew nothing about comedy. I said you know nothing about this comedy. She said it was hilarious. You said she should have more of a stick up her ass about it. I wonder how you can comment so authoritatively about "the casual use of Nazism" while not even having seen or read the play.

Barrett Chase

about 15 years ago

Another way of phrasing it is: How can you criticize someone for laughing at a joke, when you've never even heard the joke and don't even know the context in which the joke was made? Just because you don't agree with the philosophy behind one of the characters in the joke? It seems kind of ignorant. No offense (seriously).


about 15 years ago

Hehehe I get a kick out of how upset everyone is getting over this.

Obviously, someone saw a man in Nazi garb and got confused and wasn't quite relating man in Nazi gear outside a theater -- it happens to us all. They did perhaps get a little too angry about it, but whatevs. On the other hand, not everyone knows what is going on at the theater and that's a part of life. It is kind of funny that they didn't make the connection, btu again, it happens! Everybody chill out a little ;-P

Barrett Chase

about 15 years ago

Personally speaking, I'm not sure anyone actually ever got that upset. Baffled is a better word. (I've seen PDD posts where people got upset and this isn't one of them.) This is one of the funniest threads we've had in recent times.


about 15 years ago

@Barrett - There are some subjects that can be packaged any which way and and are still objectionable. I don't need to hear a homophobic or racist joke to know that it's in poor taste, for example. Is it funny? Maybe - taboo things sometimes are. But is it in poor taste? I would think so, yeah.


about 15 years ago

Clarifcation please, are we or are we not beating the hell out of real Nazis? Not that I'm much on being PC but it seems like the Politically Correct thing would be to pound all REAL Nazis into bloody pulp. PS: my tongue is in my cheek (but only half way)

Jim M

about 15 years ago

Since when did authentic uniforms of the Third Reich include Lederhosen?  I am outraged at whomever did the costume design for The Producers!    Such blatant disregard for historical accuracy not only reflects poorly on the quality of Duluth Playhouse productions, but our community as well.  I intend to write a strongly worded letter to the director of this play to demand that careless oversights such as this will not be tolerated in the future.

Barrett Chase

about 15 years ago

Well, Will, that's one way of looking at it. But The Producers won 12 Tony awards. It's not exactly cutting-edge or avant garde. It's a pretty mainstream play, so it's not going for shock value or promoting ideas that are offensive. It's generally funny to the average person. And to not only dismiss it but also criticize others for enjoying it -- that's kind of small-minded in my opinion.

But obviously my opinion conflicts with your opinion, and that's okay. I'm not going to change your mind, and you're not going to change mine. That's okay too. Because you know what? We aren't Nazis.


about 15 years ago

I sense that comment sought closure, but...

Didn't "Avenue Q" win a bunch of Tonys as well? Although I am far from a theater expert, it's my impression that winning Tony awards doesn't say a whole lot about the subject matter. And just so we're clear, I had interpreted Kiki's comment to be more along the lines of "get the stick out of your ass about Nazism in general."

Okay, I'm done now. I promise.

Barrett Chase

about 15 years ago

I just thought she was saying that she enjoyed the play. I've enjoyed the sparring. Let's stop now.


about 15 years ago

Jim M:  According to the eyewitness, it was military grade lederhosen, not the wimpy civilian variety commonly seen on packages of hot chocolate.


about 15 years ago

The Producers was written by the Jewish comedian Mel Brooks, who I believe is famous for often saying that one of the best ways to deal with Hitler and the Nazis is to laugh at them.

Spiegel Interview with Mel Brooks
"With Comedy, We Can Rob Hitler of his Posthumous Power"


about 15 years ago

Kujawa can say whateva the hell Kujawa wants ... and it will always be fact.


about 15 years ago

New hypothesis:  If a person in this day and age is not at least somewhat familiar with the basic premise behind The Producers, he or she is not qualified to comment on theater, comedy, Nazism, or American culture in general.

Maybe we should start another thread discussing whether or not Mathew Broderick in fact exists.


about 15 years ago

What are military-grade lederhosen? Were they worn by the Brown Shirts or is it just supposed to be funny (as in Schultz Gets the Blues)?


about 15 years ago

It would appear that this thread prompted more response than anything I've seen on this site in a long time. I think that is great for the following reason: It is good to know that Nazis and Hitler still evoke strong emotions, as it should. All joking aside, as somewhat a student of history, my main problem with the much teaching and thinking on Hitler is that he has been made into a cartoon figure and therefore almost not for real, such an  aberration that it is possible to forget that he was a real individual and others such as him exist and can come to power again. Some (as Mel Brookes) explore the subject through humor others through scholastic study. Never forget Hitler was for real and he was "elected" with only about 1/3 of the vote.


about 15 years ago

Bruno (what I now call Nazi-Dude) is really part of Tom Emmer's pre-Duluth visit security squad.

Fan of Ham

about 15 years ago

Photo of the Duluth Playhouse Nazi, 
Occasionally spotted Wednesday through Saturday around 8:45 p.m. outside the Depot.
Reward: A virtual High Five.


about 15 years ago

The hits keep on coming. Avenue Q? Now we're going there? 
Let me further spur some thread hijacking by saying that "Cats" was also a big Tony winner. Cat lovers, let us hear you roar.

Former Justice Potter Stewart of the Supreme Court of the United States, in attempting to classify what material constituted exactly "what is obscene," famously wrote, "I shall not today attempt further to define the kinds of material I understand to be embraced...[b]ut I know it when I see it."

Zac Bentz

about 15 years ago

Can't we just skip to the part where we ban theater so we can use the space for something real like playing music?


about 15 years ago

When did you start playing music, Zac?
I'm not up to much HotRod. Are you gonna be in town this weekend?
Hey rykwon! 'Sup?
This really has been a perfect Duluth day.


about 15 years ago

Actually, it was a scene being shot for the new google movie. If you looked close enough you might have seen that it was a Mayor Doty look-alike recreating a page from Duluth's past. I think it's being screened at the Free-deranged film festival.


about 15 years ago



about 15 years ago

Knock Knock

Who's there?

Zee Gestapo

The Gestapo who?



about 15 years ago

1) Nazi costumes
2) Outrage (Facebook)
3) Music
4) ...
5) Profit!!

the virgin marcus

about 15 years ago

The last time I was down by The Depot I saw a self-righteous, opinionated, hypocritical, wanna-be intellectual extolling his/her narrow, boorish, personal feelings as if they were unequivocal truth, while perceiving himself/herself as a progressive thinker.  

Actually...I think that was just ME.  Nevermind.

Maybe Duluth needs more Nazis and fewer of US.  Probably not...but maybe.

Dave Sorensen

about 15 years ago

Here's a photo of HItler in Lederhosen:


about 15 years ago

I think we all just need to pause and realize that before John Barrowman was an omnisexual time agent, he too was a Nazi.

Now can we all just get along?


about 15 years ago

"Thanks for paying attention to whats going on in the arts community." 

Just because someone doesn't know what is going on in the "arts community" in Duluth doesn't make them ignorant. However, it is slightly ignorant to chastise someone just because they don't have the same interests as you.

All that aside, thank you PDD and all those commenting for the best entertainment I've had all week!


about 15 years ago

On a related note, bout 3 weeks ago I saw a man in the east bound DTA transit center, with a shaved head, and a very large swastika tattooed above his left ear, with the letters "SS" in the center. I was so terrified to saw being a nimbly seventeen year old I was scared I was gonna get the pulp beaten out of me.


about 15 years ago

Wow what a wuss you are. The only time I was too terrified to saw was when the safety shield came off of my Black and Decker while cutting the cherries off a Superior Police Department squad car as a prank. And I wasn't even a nimbly seventeen year old.


about 15 years ago

I think we should label any theater that prominently features Nazis as "degenerate art" and lock up those actors who do it in concentration camps and then we can have a big bonfire where we burn the scripts and call it a day.


about 15 years ago

I've been following this whole thing since yesterday. Where is rediguana? I am just curious to see what he/she thinks of all this silliness.

I can't wait until next weekend.

"I was driving around down near Bayfront park and I saw a Tyrannosaurus rex. HAS SOMEONE CLONED A BUNCH OF DINOSAURS? ARE WE IN DANGER? OR IS THIS JUST SOMETHING TERRIBLE THAT BLEW IN ON A TALL SHIP?"


Rubber Chicken

about 15 years ago

(Moderators:  I am working ahead.  Please post this in October.  Thanks.)

I was driving around near The Venue at Mohaupt Block and saw a Candarian demon, being chased by a man covered in blood.  It looked like the man had a chainsaw for a hand.  Did Nazis have something to do with this?


about 15 years ago

p.s. my friend Sherman is into 'nimbly' seventeen year olds so ah...there's that. Or wait is it 'pimply'?


about 15 years ago

Wow. I'm gratified and a bit amazed by all of the reaction (some hilarious, some serious, and some just not cool) this post has gotten.

OKAY PEOPLE by way of self defense:

First of all, I think there was a lot of presumption and not a lot of accurate reading of my post by the first commenters. Go back and read it again, and you'll find out the following:

1) In no sense did I suggest that "second degree assualt" is an appropriate reaction to sighting someone wearing something you consider morally repugnant. In fact, I rather think I suggested the opposite, by virtue of withholding even a light verbal outburst. In contrast, as I was driving by, there also happened to be a couple on the sidewalk walking past the depot in the other direction who were also gawking, and as I passed the woman called out sarcastically at him, "go Hitler." I on the other hand was merely honestly expressing my initial emotional reaction. Not knowing that this was "art," I think anyone without closeted Nazi sympathies would have a similar gut reaction.

2) I do not believe I jumped to conclusions too quickly. You'll notice that in the first sentence of the second paragraph, I consider the possibility that this was indeed part of a Playhouse performance. I didn't dismiss the possibility, I was merely wondering why an actor would be outside for such a performance. Not having been to a show at the Playhouse (unfortunately, unlike some holier-than-thou art-goers in this town, I can't usually afford a $25 ticket to a performance), I did not know that there was no access hallway for performers to use to get behind the audience for a grand entry. 

3) The person who suggested the drunk drivers' session idea was a co-worker who was told by Ken Buhler that the County holds mandatory counseling sessions for offenders at about that time at the Depot. So I'm not blowing smoke out of my ass on that one. With all the "nanny state big government hands off my Welfare Obama is a Kenyan Nazi Communist" tea party crap going around, this was the first idea that popped into her head and one I thought was somewhat plausible.

The other assertions made about the post by Kujawa and others come from their own wacky minds, not from me. Nazis should be barred from the train museum? I don't believe that was in my post. Neither was anything about drunk driving Nazi stereotypes or how Germany was defeated.

The last bit about something ugly blowing in on a tall ship was meant to be funny. But also, who knows? The only part of the post I somewhat regret was implying that the only alternative to that scenario was "a local dumbass making an idiot out of himself." I guess that wasn't really fair to actors. But on the other hand, isn't that part of their job description (especially in a Mel Brooks play)? 

One last thing. In the city where I grew up, the KKK and/or Aryan Nation held rallies once a year downtown. They DO wear swastikas and salute Hitler, and they're not joking. So I guess I'm still a little sensitive. I was always taught that it was their right to hold rallies, nobody should prevent them, but it was also everyone else's right to protest them (and the protesters always outnumbered the racists by at least 2 to 1) and show them how unwelcome they were in the community.

And it's rediguana, not Red Iguana. Fuck off Ribbentrop.


about 15 years ago

rediguana:  That's a great piece of writing. And that little feisty firecracker at the end about your name...pure theater there---otta' the way, Mel Brooks!


about 15 years ago

You were correct, rediguana, in the fact that your statements nowhere mentioned nor alluded to the points my comment made. My post was made as an example of parody, the point if which is to mock or comment on the original piece by use of satire, irony, or humor in it's imitation. Sadly, your follow up post was less melodramatic and more concise in it's meaning than your original post that garnered all of this attention. I say sadly because all of this could've been avoided. However, I'm glad that didn't happen because I had fun. My initial reaction to people jumping on my statement and saying my opinion was wrong was disappointment that they  didn't get to enjoy this in the same manner I was. But then I realized that some of the greatest parody has often been mistaken for the subject it has taken on, meaning that it has captured it's subject perfectly. So I thank you, rediguana, for helping me realize that I am a master of parody. If there is anything I can do to help you on your current lifepath, just let me know and I will offer up my assistance.

P.S. (this part is not for rediguana): When you come to an argument with only the idea that Nazism is wrong (which most adjusted people would agree with) and cannot bring anything to the table but tell everyone they are racist and wrong, you are not really qualified to be a part of that conversation. In fact, the only thing that really qualifies you for is a guest spot on a daytime talk show which will eventually devolve into the throwing of fists.

Enjoy the tall ships.

Jv Ribbentrop

about 15 years ago

[The following is a public-ish service-esque announcement from Jv Ribbentrop.]






To anyone who is concerned about Nazis and corporations and transparency and things that are fair and equitable and oppression and if you're interested in preventing or stopping people who think incorrectly, we will be having a DIRECT ACTION at the corner Superior Street and Lake Avenue... y'know... whenever... between 4:30 PM and 4:45 PM to tell people that we don't agree with to "fuck off". Bring your own poster board and Sharpie(TM).

For too long the oppressed working peoples of the working class have been oppressed and have been working. THIS MUST STOP AND JV RIBBENTROP MUST BE STOPPED TOO!!

On July 29th, a guy in a costume that was totally uncool was wearing a costume that was totally uncool.  The honorable, fair, and equitable hope was that there would be a bunch of real (or Illinois) Nazis in town so that we could get all organized and confront them and say "Hey! Nazis aren't cool! Duluth is cool! Nazis equal bad!" Or perhaps something that would rhyme and be catchier. To confront things that are uncool with DIRECT ACTION is where its at.

Unfortunately, the enthusiasm to see Nazis everywhere may have been somewhat overwhelming.  Joseph McCarthy may have seen our comrades in his soup, but who's to say that the next time there might not be Nazis at the Depot. Actual Nazis. Is that a chance you're willing to take?  Answer: DIRECT ACTION.

Remember. You can't spell "Nazi" and "Palin" without using a whole bunch of the same letters. That has to mean something. Right?

Dialectically yours,
[not really] Reginald E. Danson Iguana
[not really] AKA "rediguana"







[The preceding was a public-ish service-esque announcement from Jv Ribbentrop.  The views expressed therein are those of no one in particular. As far as "Parody" and "Satire" are concerned? Yes. Jody Kujawa is the best there is.  This view is also of no one in particular. Sorry.]

Having fucked off,
Jv Ribbentrop


about 15 years ago

And I feel that is a worthy response.


about 15 years ago

Thank you to all who made this so entertaining.  Especially Kujawa!  To rediguana: The tickets for the Playhouse are actually $23 not $25 and there is nowhere in the script that says the job description of an actor is to be "a local dumbass making an idiot out of himself" unless you are Jody Kujawa... KIDDING... half.  So your lack of research has failed yet again.  Quite a few of the people that come to Playhouse shows are not holier-than-thou but average people just out to see a good show and have a good time who want something different than sitting in front of a screen or TV for the night.  There is no crime in that as much as there is no crime in wanting to sit in front of a screen or TV.  To each their own.  Also, to attack the way one walks is ridiculous and just makes you look like an ignorant jackass not to mention jumping to ludicrous conclusions.  I understand you didn't have all the facts and the lesson many have hopefully learned here is to think before opening your mouth or turning on your computer.

For those of you who say you have no idea what's going on at the Playhouse, perhaps it is time to start reading signs as the sign out front has been advertising the Producers for weeks now.  And speaking of holier-than-thou... people, don't condemn people for liking theatre and knowing what's going on in that part of our cultural society just because you don't care.  It goes both ways. But thanks for all of the free publicity!

uber gruppen baci

about 15 years ago

Es ist so erfrischend ist, mich zu sehen die Höhe der Sprechen lederhosen. Ich habe seltsam fasziniert mit Ihnen eine ganze Weile now...nicht sexuell aber mehr von einer anthropologischen Faszination. Sie sind Leder und ganz sicher bekommen Geknackt und getragen..vor allem in Schlacht. Wie macht man halten sie geschmeidig und reagieren auf Knie tanzen und Gans verstärkt?

Only in Duluth

about 15 years ago

The above YouTube link reminded me of this discussion and is only for those who are not easily offended... Which means only one or two of you out there should watch or will get it.  I cried laughing while watching... Someone took a movie about Hitler and changed the subtitles, there are others, but this was the funniest and most offensive.


about 15 years ago

@Uber Gruppen Baci
We love speaking highly of Lederhosen!

uber gruppen baci

about 15 years ago

@Erin, and all concerned about how to care for lederhosen! While adaptive and attractive, Lederhosen need special attention. Oktoberfest can be dry cold and cruel ... especially to decorative leathers.

Special dry cleaning, if necessary, but as you know, lederhosen shouldn't look new -- we say used to perfection, a few stains or even a repair on them make the wearer look like a real lederhosen man!
You can also just handwash them and dry them laying flat on a towel, that will absorb the moisture. Afterwards they need a good rubbing to get the stiffness out! NEVER apply any kind of heat to the wet lederhosen -- the leather will shrink and become brittle! This may change the color and is done at your own risk!! "


about 15 years ago

Halloween of 82 I hitchhiked from the Showcase  to our house on 15th and 2nd St E dressed as Hitler. People were shouting and swerving at me the whole time. THAT is theater, kids.


about 15 years ago

...nothing of value to add. I just wante to be the 100th comment. Thanks!


about 15 years ago

There are actually quite a few images of military grade lederhosen on the internet, but they must all have bad metadata.  You can only find them by image searching "leather daddy."


about 15 years ago

Hah skimmed the comments and didn't see mention, but I'm guessing this probably has NOTHING to do with UNIFORM WEEK that is going to be happening @ the depot in like a couple weeks.


about 15 years ago

Doh, nevermind.  Missed post #4


about 15 years ago

Behold good people, I bring you photographic proof that there was a Nazi running around the Duluth Playhouse five days a week for the last three weeks.

There was also a Marilyn Monroe impersonator with him.


about 15 years ago

Opening those photos made me punch my screen. Damn. Now it is cracked.


about 15 years ago

Anyone see the irony?  rediguana unintentionally sowed dissent, which is, in a sense, what the producers try intentionally to do, but fail in failing.  Love it.

Lawrence Lee

about 10 years ago

Five years later, this is still a classic post. 

Be careful! The Duluth Playhouse is doing Guys & Dolls this summer! There may be gangster and burlesque dancer sightings on Michigan Street!

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