woodtick Posts

Lost iPhone in Downtown Duluth

I lost an iPhone on First Street Wednesday evening, July 29, following the Superior Siren / Devil’s Flying Machine show at the Red Herring. It has a gray “encase” case.

If found, please email me at grindcadence at gmail dot com. A $50 reward awaits. Thank you.

Unwelcome Duluth?

MPR has this story about the difficulty of settling into Duluth both professionally and otherwise for a new college grad.

I know in order to finally make this place home myself I had to leave after my tenure at UMD and gain experience and then be willing to make a little less salary but then be able to live here and enjoy it’s uniqueness permanently. I know of others who have done the same and feel the same a I do.

What’s your experience?

Duluth not welcoming, young transplants looking for work say

He’s Back…

Tony ‘I Wish I Had My Life Back’ Hayward of BP oil ‘spill’ fame has landed his feet squarely in our backyard – as the Environmental Officer for GlenCore, the PI for the planned sulfide mining project near Hoyt Lakes.

Any dirty hippies/concerned citizens/people who simply love the Northland out there want to protest this thing?

Low on NPR – Tiny Desk Concert

Low: Tiny Desk Concert

Hippest State in the Union?

Can this be true? Does the 612 really have that much clout? Rochester is pretty quiet and St. Cloud is, well, St Cloud. And we have Willmar, and the ball of twine and Paul Bunyan, and Funkley and Nimrod and two towns called Oslo. So I ask, is Duluth really that “hip” to make up the difference?

Vote Proudly!

The Daily Beast: The Most Political States

Over the past 30 years Minnesota has the highest voter registration and participation of any state in the union!

Average voter registration rate: 83.8
Average voter participation rate: 69.8

Amidst storm, vandals break into East High School

DNT Story

Why was school called off yesterday anyway?

Duluth 12th Best City in U.S. to Find Jobs?

Dailybeast.com has posted it’s top 20 Best U.S. Cities to find a job (not necessarily a career) and our beloved Duluth ranks 12th and Rochester, MN is #1. Hailing from Rochester I could understand it being nemero uno, but stating that Duluth is 12th in the country is a little baffling. Is it that good here?

#12. Duluth, MN
Job Growth: 11.26 percent
Jobs Gained: 14,208
Manufacturing and mills are a major part of Duluth’s economy, and the city is a huge transportation hub for manufacturing materials. But health care and education are major employers, too.

20 Best Cities to Find Jobs

I wonder what statistics the DailyBeast accessed to get Duluth placed right behind Boulder, CO and right in front of Brownsville, TX?