April 2010 Posts

Mexico Lindo soft opening at Fitger’s

The news of Mexico Lindo’s soft opening leaked out in the comments to an old post on this site, but I missed that. I was out and about, though, and saw from Superior Street that someone was eating at a window seat.

It was mighty busy in there for a sort-of-unannounced opening, but there was plenty of staff on hand to deal with it. Predictably, a few things were spilled and confusion with how to place orders on the computer was noticeable, but all in all things went very well. The food was great. The Lindos Special ($11.25) could feed three people.

MN Health Plan Rally and March

With the MN State DFL Convention coming to Duluth this weekend, area progressive groups are joining together to show our support for the MN Health Plan and universal health care for Minnesota.  Come and help us send this important message to the delegates and politicians who will be in our fair city.

The march begins this Friday, April 23, at 5:30 pm at MN Power Plaza  (Lake Ave. and Superior St.).  We will march from there to the harbor side of the DECC for a rally at 6pm.

Caroline Smith and the Goodnight Sleeps

band photo of Caroline Smith

UMD’s Late Night Kirby is proud to present its last formal concert of the year on Tuesday, April 27: Caroline Smith and the Goodnight Sleeps and UMD’s own Loup-Garou.

More NorShor Details

I was going to post this as a response in a previous thread, but made it a post instead…

There are questions about the sale price.  Legitimate questions, $2.6 million is a lot of money.  Between the three buildings, there is a lot of value.  This is both a fair price and makes economic sense for the city.  I’ll share our value assessment with you.

First, we have examined the sq ft comps in the neighborhood.  There is 40k sq ft of commercial / office space in the Temple and Annex space.  The average per sq ft cost for sale in old downtown is $37.75 based on building sales of Coney Island Bldg and Gardner Hotel (and other area building sales).  I think we could make a strong case that the Temple is a much more valuable property than those, but using this standard, the value of the commercial and office space would be $1.5 million.

Where in Duluth?

Boundary Waters? Nah, this year, let’s paddle Nebraska.

When I was growing up in Nebraska, “tanking” was not … um … a thing.
I went tubing several times, but never tanking.
And I guess I got tanked.

I hope Nebraska doesn’t steal all of our tourists away.

Homegrown Banners

This year during Homegrown PDD will be featuring Homegrown-related photo banners. If you have photos to submit, we’d love to see them and possibly put them in the rotation.

e-mail your JPEG file (960 pixels wide by 167 pixels high) to:
banners (at) perfectduluthday dot com

If you need a refresher on banner specs, there’s info after the jump, as well as a slideshow of photos from last year’s homegrown.

The Automaton Records Media Conglomerate Presents the Twin Ports: A Compilation for Homegrown

Well, I know that pretty much everyone in the area already knows all about this project because I’m such a big deal around here and everyone talks about everything I do and whatnot, but the Automaton Records Media Conglomerate is proud to be offering up for this year’s Homegrowners a very special compilation.

It’s a limited edition and handmade production — 39 songs on two CDs, all generously donated by the artists for use with this generously special compilation. The cost is $6! It includes a 4-color hand screen printed 100% recycled cardboard double sleeve!  Holy cripes!  This is a limited edition of only 200 copies.

The profits from this compilation go to the festival.  So, you know, it’s good to support that too.

History Question About the North Shore

I was up the Shore today and turned left on Homestead Road, by the Lighthouse Restaurant.  I’m always scouting in the woods and seem to come across signs of the past everywhere.  On the left side, I saw a large concrete piece, with electrical parts. It looked like it was once a base for a huge lighted sign. Snooping some more, I came across broken dishes, a couple of rusted chairs, and much more. 

I went and asked the owners of the Lighthouse if they knew what was there. All they said was that there was a motel there years ago.  Does anyone know the name of it and when it was there?

Retribution Gospel Choir – May 1

Anybody have any info on a possible RGC show May 1 in Leif Erickson Park? It’s on their tour schedule on subpop.com.

Nerd Nite Pi! April 27


April’s Nerd Nite is just around the corner!
April 27. 7 p.m. $5. Teatro Zuccone.

Be there, and be square.

Duluth Does the Opry registration open

Dig out your Nudie suit and dust off your Stetson; registration for the next Duluth Does event at Sacred Heart is open until April 30. Only the first 25 to sign up will get a chance to perform their favorite classic country song so act now!

Go to http://www.duluthdoes.com/ for everything you need to know.

Skyline Drive Litterbugs: Please Keep Your Trash Out of My Backyard


This past weekend, I thought I would do my part to clean up the wooded area across the alley from my house.   It’s a small section of undeveloped land along Skyline Drive between the Coppertop Church and N. 7th Ave East.  Some garbage like the old bottles and paint can in the picture had been there for decades; other stuff —  like  the Subway receipt dated April 15, 2010 — just days.

Does Minnesota Nice not including littering?

NorShor and Temple Opera Block

On Saturday Eric Ringsred signed a purchase agreement to sell the Temple Opera Building, NorShor Theatre, and NorShor Annex to DEDA for $2.6 million.  The sale is contingent on approval by DEDA and the Council.  It’s my intent to make the NorShor the crown jewel of the downtown, to make it the center of a regional arts and entertainment district.

There is a lot of discussion on this, let me fill in with a few thoughts:

Better than the fridge …

Looking for a great way to show off your kid’s video project?

We are gearing up for the 3rd Annual REEL Youth Film Festival and hope that you will support young filmmakers by making sure they are aware of this wonderful opportunity. This is a free festival. Student entries are accepted from students K-12 by May 7.

Information and an entry form here.

Thank you so much and I hope you are able to attend.

Julie Deters

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