Question about icy intersection video

Can any one answer this?

Hello Carla,

We’re producing a television series for The Weather Channel called, “Weather Caught on Camera.” I’ve found this video on YouTube (see link below), which appears to have been filmed right near your cafe/restaurant – at the intersection of N. 19th Ave. E. & E. Eighth St. We’re very interested in licensing this video for use in our show, but first I have to track down who filmed it. According to the YouTube description it was an icy day back in 2003 (though this is not necessarily accurate). Do you recall this day? And do you recall who was filming at that intersection? Any information about this video, or that day, that you could provide would be greatly appreciated. And feel free to forward this e-mail to anyone else you think might know information about it. My contact information follows below.

Thank you,

Meagan C. Redman
NBC Peacock Productions
30 Rockefeller Plaza, 4th Floor
New York, NY 10112

(W): (212) 664-6615
meagan.redman (at) nbcuni (dot) com



about 14 years ago

I contacted the owner and he is going to contact her.


about 14 years ago

This is really cool.  I love the power of PDD.  A few weeks ago I found that many national and regional sites/bloggers and etc were linking back to my little post on the Twin Ports Google drive (the one with the "Fake" Duluth Mayor). I just wanted to get the word out to you all about our little video, rather than just submit it to Wired and all of those other places.  Instead YOU ALL ended up having a chance at getting the word out about how cool this site is to everyone who linked to it, or pulled their content from here.  


I was at a media training a few weeks or a month ago and the instructor (name withheld but the person isn't related to any of the owners if that's what you were thinking).  Anyway, the person said that local and regional newsies scan PDD constantly for posts, content, releases, and maybe even a little "hitchin' post" controversy here and there.  

I love this sort of thing.  Be sure to let us when the show will be on, ok, Megan?


about 14 years ago

Thanks for the responses! 
bully - I haven't heard from him yet. Hopefully I'll hear from him soon, since we have a tight timeline for the show! Thanks for reaching out to him; appreciate it.


about 14 years ago

This 19th Ave video appeared in the past on PDD. 
The incline (or decline) of 19th Ave. above 8th St. is far less than below 8th St. I can only imagine what happened to those cars that kept on going down 19th - Whew!


about 14 years ago

the building in the background is now demolished as of a week or two ago :( 

(or maybe :) I really don't know what it even was)


about 14 years ago

Building in the background was a nondescript office building that served as an architect's office. Carla (owner of Chester Creek Cafe) bought that property and the two houses behind it.  I helped a friend salvage some nice hardwood oak flooring from one of the two houses.

Carla has some cool-sounding plans for the neighborhood involving possibilities for a revived local hardware store. Would love to know her thoughts about what she wants to do with those lots--you there, Carla?


about 14 years ago

Small building - 3 retail spaces and 2 or three office spaces - room for us to make beer.
More garden space and a greenhouse.
I love hardware but have not been able to sell the idea to a hardware guru.
The previous was contaminated from having been a gas station.
Thanks for asking....


about 14 years ago

Beer and hardware -- I can't imagine any neighborhood additions I'd rather have! Gardens are cool too.


about 14 years ago

If I didn't love Northern Lights Books so much, I'd advocate for a bookstore, Carla! I'm pretty excited about your plans, Carla, I think, as the restaurant has done, will jazz up the neighborhood. 

I love that video of the cars sliding down 19th Ave E. The Mr. and I looked very closely to see if any of those sliding cars belonged to us! I don't remember that particular day, but I know there have been many times my daughter and I slipped and slided down the block to the bus stop. Heysme is right, though, that's not even the steepest incline on 19th -- so why is it such a problem? 

This year, ISD 709 refused to stop the school bus at that intersection, they said it's too dangerous, now the bus stops a few blocks down 8th -- I wonder if ISD 709 finally saw the video and thus changed the bus stop location?


about 14 years ago

Here's an idea from Rick Steves' Europe Through the Back Door website:

>Foxy John's is one of several Dingle pubs with a dual identity. By day it's a handy hardware store...after hours a pub. It's great for craic — that's pub lingo for conversation. If you sit at a table, you'll be left alone. Stand or sit at the bar and you'll be engulfed in conversation with new friends. And if you need a hammer or some hedge clippers, the bar tender is there to help.<


about 14 years ago

Bully - could you please e-mail me the name of the person who owns the video? He/she has not contacted me yet and we're working on deadline. Thank you!

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