Mr. Turing: We’re Sorry

Computer Scientist
Code Breaker
Artificial Intelligence Pioneer

Arguably a little late. Alan Turing received an apology from UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown for his “appalling” treatment.

Now where’s his knighthood?



about 15 years ago

it is not quite a Knighthood, but he does have an OBE, which is a pre-step to full Knighthood. I know there have been some petitioning the Queen to do just this. My guess is it will happen at some point. 

As late apologies go, this was a pretty good one, no equivocating.

the doog

about 15 years ago

Sounds like good movie material. I know I'd heard of him before but not the back story and his suicide.

the doog

about 15 years ago

Gays in the military, pfft...


about 15 years ago

Knighthood?  Bah, that's like having an MCSE; it holds no clout.  Uh-oh, I may have pissed a bunch of cookie-cutter graduates off :)

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