August 2009 Posts

Ah, September


I’d like to welcome the best month in Duluth.

Cartoon Art Show at Bohemia Arts, Friday, Sept. 4, 5-8 pm. Musical Guest: Total Freedom Rock

“The Cartoonist and the Kid” featuring cartoons by father-daughter combo, Jim Richardson (40) and Violet Richardson (11).

This show documents the cartoons I did during the Ripsaw years about my child when she was between the ages of 2 and 4. There are a couple of our collaborations on display from when she was 5. The show ends up by displaying her solo work from the past two years (with a new feature “Spike and Slurp” not seen at last year’s show).

Musical guests Total Freedom Rock will do a set at 6:30.

Refreshments will be served.

2009 Duluth – Superior Pride

Clicky for full schedule of events.

2009 DS Pride Logo

Pride Festivities – Superior, WI – Main Nightclub

Lots of stuff going on in Superior during Pride Festival, including this.

Flower King from Duluth

Robert Isabell

Robert Isabell

Did you know the man behind Kennedy weddings and funerals, Studio 54 parties, presidential events and countless Vogue parties was from Duluth? Neither did I. You may not care about flowers and fashion, but this article in W magazine about Robert Isabell from Duluth is somewhat interesting (though they do refer to Duluth as “nowhere”).


There’s an entry on the DNT’s Attic blog about milkmen. Which made me want a milkman to come to my house and bring me delicious dairy-ness. I tried to find someone online, but either my Google-fu is failing me, or the milkman has become extinct.

Anybody doing this still?

It’s that time again!!!

Get your bike out and ride. Bring a jacket. We’ll probably do about 60 miles, last month’s ride was about 70, and extremely nice. We even had some beers on my porch. But that’s beside the point, which is get out your bike and ride, because this is Duluth and there will be ice on the roads in a month 🙂

“The Courtiers”

Whitney Saurer
Sept. 3, 6 to 8 p.m.
Beaner’s Central

Featuring music by professional pianist Samuel Black.

Low budget landscapes

Window Watching

I’ve always wondered about how the window placements on this house came about. It’s on Arrowhead Road, east of Kenwood Super One. I’m a fan of big windows, so this house and its lack thereof always sticks out as I drive by.

In a way I guess it’s kind of smart, because it probably cuts down on noise from the busy street. But there must be some window-less rooms up on that second floor. I wonder what could be done with that massive blank spot in front.

Anyone know more about this place?

Keep Aways and DTs at Pizza Luce

Update #2: Erik Berry is apparently still in the hospital as of today. We hope for his quick recovery! As for the price of the show, which has changed numerous times … ya know what? maybe no one even knows. Hope to see you there!

TOMMY, Tommy, tommy. . . .


Last Chance To See A “Musical Tour-De-Force!” – Oeuvre

There’s only three shows left of Renegade Comedy Theatre’s production of “A New Brain.”

Come out to the Teatro Zuccone this Thursday, Friday and Saturday at 8pm to see this show packed with show-stopping choreography and powerful, moving music.

So, come see the show Oeuvre called “A laugh-out-loud show from beginning to end!”

Extra! Extra!

Hey there – have you ever dreamed of being an extra in an independent film? Well here’s your chance! 4 Track Films is currently shooting a new romantic comedy entitled The Life Of Riley and we’re looking for folks to come out this Sunday night (3am-10am) for a club scene we will be shooting at RT Quinlan’s. There will be music, merriment and a state of the art Red One camera to ogle. If interested please call 218.336.1372 or email [email protected].

Punk show next Sunday

-Sweet Destruction
-Moon Is Down
-Frozen Teens

Sunday, Sept. 6
Bohemia Arts all ages
7pm $5