Talk of the Nation

C-Freak – was that you on npr today, giving the bizness to Ms. Maggie homophobe? If it was, fucking right on!!!

I about threw my radio when she played her ad. “Gay marriage will take away rights from straight marriages!” WTF?!?!?

Best of luck to Marry Me Minnesota!



about 15 years ago

Heard it too, on my way to a meeting.  I love it how the host started to mix things up with C-Freak telling her to stick to the format and she just kept her cool and went with it without getting her ideas reduced down to a shouting match

Way to represent Duluthland!  You are a superstar, C-Freak  If only our more controversial discussions on PDD could go like that more often.

Oh and as a (possibly off-topic) aside (that the moderator can remove with my blessing if he or she wishes), I would like to know what C-Freak was going to say about what groups like the anti-same sex marriage lady should be doing to strengthen marriage.


about 15 years ago

rock on c-freak


about 15 years ago

Sorry I missed it! Yay C-Freak!


about 15 years ago

Way to fight the good fight.  I would love to help but I'm to busy trying to hold together my heterosexual marriage.  I was fine until Iowa and Vermont went one right after the other. I swear if one more state sees the light, I'll be looking for a good lawyer.

Todd Gremmels

about 15 years ago

Sorry I missed it!!!!!!

Keep up the good fight.


Todd Gremmels


about 15 years ago

Well, again, free lance actions are putting the fight in jeopardy. I am friends with one of the couples involved with Marry Me Minnesota, but I think that their tactics are damaging to their cause. I predict they will win their fight, and then we will see a constitutional amendment to prohibit same sex marriage in Minnesota. 

And, as much as I understand the urge to go on MPR and challenge this woman, I think C-freak has, essentially, tipped the hand of the lawsuit. Marry Me Minnesota is already under financed and out gunned by national organizations who oppose gay marriage. And now, thanks to this call, they have lost any element of surprise. 

It is one thing to fight the good fight, but it must also be coordinated with the efforts of the War. Undisciplined troops may win battles, some of the time, but they often lose campaigns..


about 15 years ago

All out War with the Religious Right?  Where do I sign?

Bad Cat!

about 15 years ago

Here, you can sign this molotov cocktail...

Kokigami - the religious right has put a lot of time and money into researching those that oppose their views. I'm sure they already knew about Marry Me Minnesota. The whole point of MMM is to spread the word to get donations for the cause, not be a secret "attack weapon". C-Freak's mention of the cause will bring a lot of people to the site, like me, who went there looking for a link and made a donation to the cause.


about 15 years ago

nobody should get married until everyone is able to get married.

Jesse Dykhuis

about 15 years ago

Hi everyone - 

This is Jesse Dykhuis - one of the three couples that is Marry Me Minnesota.  I applaud C-Freak for her bold statements today on the radio.  I wish more people weren't afraid to call it like it is. 

I wanted to take a minute out of my life and respond directly to comments made by kokigami. I'm not sure which of the three couples you are friends with - but you are working under several serious misconceptions about who we are and what we are doing. 

First of all -  I invite you to put down your crib sheet plagarized from Outfront's website and think about what you are saying.  Perhaps you don't read the local newspaper or any of the Minneapolis independents.  Marry Me Minnesota is NOT operating under any pretense of secrecy.  My partner Lindzi and I have had two substantial articles written just about our efforts, and Doug Benson has done interviews with multiple Cities area publications.  We have a presence on Facebook and advertising all over Duluth and the Twin Cities Metro.  We have hired a big name attourney to represent us and are screaming it from the roof-tops.  

Of course we are underfunded.  We are 6 people with families and jobs and big dreams.  Right now raising the money is the only thing standing between us and getting the lawsuit filed.  Stay tuned to our Fecebook Cause page for local fundraising efforts and a donation link.

Doug Benson, the founder of Marry Me Minnesota, has singlehandedly proposed the piece of Marriage Equality legislation that has the best chance of seeing its way out of committee this session.  Outfront has paraded onto the road paved by Mr. Benson's hard work and years of tireless lobbying efforts. I'm not sure who you think "the war" is and what efforts you  think we are thwarting by taking some action for our civil rights - Our effort is multi-pronged and driven by the desire to stop hearing "the time isn't right" from the major organizations.  If you are referring to the pursuing of a judical order rather than a legislative battle, we are doing both, and until this week exactly ZERO states had achieved marriage equality by legislative means. If the judges across this country agree that denying same sex couples the right to marry in unconstitutional, what makes you so sure the voting people will disagree?  What happened in California is a setback - not the final word.

Fear of a constitutional amendment defining marriage as between a man and a woman?  No fear here.  In case you hadn't noticed the gays already can't get married.  

Eventually we will have their civil rights and I will proudly explain to my children that I got out and did everything I could for what I believed was right.  Enjoy explaining to yours that all you had to offer was misguided criticisms of our hard work.

Go Carolyn! You are a hero to Marry Me Minnesota - Duluth!


about 15 years ago

If in need of a few laughs, check out the National Organization's for Marriage ad condemning gay rights: httpv://


about 15 years ago

Jesse, is Marry Me Minnesota getting pushback from orgs like Outfront? If so, that completely sucks. :(


about 15 years ago

Actually, Jesse, I am friends with you and, more directly, your partner. She and I have discussed this, and, of course, she disagrees with me as well. 

But, Minnesota's liberal history is rooted in working class values across the state with pockets of progressive social values in the various larger communities. While what happened in CA was a shock, it is not as unlikely here, where we have a growing conservative movement in the outer burbs and a large body of very conservative rural citizens.  The risks are greater than the rewards in this fight. I can certainly sympathize with your motives, but, a loss does you no good, and a constitutional amendment will be even harder to turn back. 

Now, as to the on air comments by C-freak, it is clear that the woman on the show had no idea what you were up to, despite your shouting your plans to the world. Now you have one more wealthy opponent. 

Honestly, I hope I am wrong on this. But if I am right, are you going to proudly explain to your kids why the constitution was changed? In politics timing is everything. Here is to hoping this weeks news stories represent a sea change in public attitudes, rather than being just a spring board for the re-emergence of the right wing in 2010.


about 15 years ago

"Coming together in love to protect marriage?"


the only "rights" these NOM idiots are going to have taken away is their "right" to persecute another demographic who doesn't want to live how they feel everyone should.

The nature of the Constitution is to grant freedoms and rights. not to take them away. Any constitutional amendment to "define" marriage (and by "define" i mean discriminate against any certain demographic) would be inherently unconstitutional by the nature of the Constitution itself. One cannot simply amend the constitution to prevent just one certain group of people from being able to live as they choose simply because it offends you.

Constitutions are meant to set out rights and freedoms, not take them away.

jesse dykhuis

about 15 years ago

maybe that's the biggest difference between you guys and us guys.  we aren't 'playing politics' we're fighting for our lives.


about 15 years ago

probably....kokigami = LCR.

Jesse Dykhuis

about 15 years ago

kokigami=employee of Outfront MN

nuff said


about 15 years ago

"I'm sorry Harriet Tubman, now is just not the time to end slavery. If you could just hang up your railroad until the environment is better politically, that would be great. Oh, and Moses, you sit your ass down too. We told you this century doesn't look good for Exodus. Maybe we'll call you next century. "

Evil Jeff

about 15 years ago

Oh how I love when people call their bigoted attitudes "Just trying to defend our beliefs", shit if we would have stuck with those good old Christian beliefs we could still be burning witches, and none of us would have to learn math, I have a cold, I am going to go get a good bleeding.  It is time that we all climbed out of the dark ages together.  Go Caroline, and Liz, and Jesse!  Woot!


about 15 years ago

This is beginning to look like the Bush Admin closing ranks against critics of the Iraq War. Bad Kat, ideally, the constitution of any state should not be about building social division, but, 30 states have already adopted language to that end. Another 5 or so have state statutes that specifically ban Gay marriage. Minnesota is one. How hard do you think it would be to move MN into the other group? It only takes a simple majority to amend the state constitution, once they get a referendum on the ballot. Fortunately, it only takes a simple majority to repeal it as well. 

And finally, where do you think Harriet Tubman would have gotten if someone had gone on NPR and pointed out her activities to the opposition?

Bad Cat!

about 15 years ago

This does *not* look like the Bush administration closing ranks. THIS is simply the posts of individuals who don't happen to share the same opinion as you. *Do not* claim to be the martyr here just because your opinion is in the minority!
Yes, this is a contentious time for the GLBT community - but when isn't it? Would you have us sit down and wait until the yellow brick road was already paved and shiny for us? Who the hell do you think *paves* the road?!? Equal rights aren't just handed out to those that are quiet and wait in line politely, they are fought for by the progressives and the leaders! Unless someone is willing to step out first, no one will have a path to follow.

And for fucks sake, Marry Me Minnesota is not a secret! Stop pretending that C-Freak publicly outted some giant CIA conspiracy organization. I really don't know why you're so worried about the opposition knowing about Marry Me Minnesota, since you really don't seem to like them or their politics...


about 15 years ago

Well, I don't know what LRC is, and I had never seen anything on Outreach MN prior to this thread, but, I suspect those are attacks. And now you misrepresent my politics. I am not presenting myself as a Martyr, but I do recognize a pattern. 

I have said repeatedly I think they will win, and I hope I am wrong. But, history doesn't support that. History shows a political backlash after every major court win. In the past decade this kind of action has gained less than half a dozen states, and locked out about 30. Have you got a reason to think that same pattern won't happen this time? I would love to be optimistic about all this.

As Napoleon said.. First you win, then you wait and see.


about 15 years ago

Gay rights is the civil rights struggle of our time. Remember, not much more than 40 years ago, anti-miscegenation laws were on the books in many states. In 2009, many of us have family members married to people of other races, and I think everyone on PDD must know interracial couples, thanks to Loving v. Virginia (1967). I do think laws against gay marriage will and must change, maybe not this year, maybe not next year, but definitely in our children's lifetimes. I just hope it's sooner than later, and I think it will be if we agitate for it, and all do our bit however we think best to achieve equal rights for all.


about 15 years ago

LCR = Log Cabin Republicans. self-loathing homos bogged down in politics and ass kissing the party honchos. see one sen. paul koering here : and here :
don't know if he calls himself LCR but he sure acts like one.


about 15 years ago

Yay Iowa! I love to see stereotypes about the Midwest destroyed. My Calif. and NYC friends are gnashing their teeth over this. Today, Iowa. Tomorrow -- Minnesota? Wisconsin?

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