Yet another loss for the community

The DNT Attic is closed

I don’t know about you all, but this is something that I came to really enjoy. I looked forward to new posts about old things all the time. I learned more about Duluth’s history through this blog than I ever did in school or by talking with the “old timers.”

Andrew was laid off on Friday. Very sad.


Tim K

about 15 years ago

By my count, the Trib has let go 13 people in the last 4 weeks. I tried posting this in one of their blogs asking why they haven't notified their readers- after all, they've been carping about a lack of transparency in local government, so why can't we also have transparency in our local media. Their moderator did not allow my post. The folks who run Forum really don't actually care about Duluth. They only care about the bottom line. (Which, by the way, is still turning a profit, just not an obscene profit).


about 15 years ago

13 people in 4 weeks? No wonder it takes me only 5 minutes to read the paper in the morning. There's nothing left in it. Sad they aren't informing readers either.


about 15 years ago

That really, really sucks.  I loved that blog, and kind of wished my paper over here in Ashland would stumble onto it and get inspired to start their own...

Tim K

about 15 years ago

It looks like they're letting folks vent about the loss of Andrew and the Attic. My heart goes out to those who've lost their jobs and to those left behind who will obviously get a ridiculous increase in their workload.

Joe C.

about 15 years ago

Yes it is sad. It is however the way papers are going. They are struggleing around the country.


about 15 years ago

I've heard the DNT is going to an 'All Grandma's bragbook' format. 

I think it is a boon for Grandparents everywhere!

The Big E

about 15 years ago

I haven't always loved the DNT, but a city needs a newspaper (hence we subscribe, despite my annoyance at the shrinking, increasingly fluffy product).  Forum, however, seems intent on killing the DNT.


about 15 years ago

not to worry. they'll still provide a plethora of mis-information about the GLA.


about 15 years ago

Columbia Journalism Review, in a sign of the times, defines "fired," "laid off," "redundancy" and more.


about 15 years ago

The post about the closing of the Attic and subsequent venting has disappeared off Andrew's blog.  Censorship or did the DNT reconsider?  I'm guessing the former.  Although I don't quite get it.  I realize there was a link from the main DNT site, but wasn't the Attic Andrew's own personal blog?

Pear Head

about 15 years ago

Censorship.  Andrew's profile and picture are also gone.  Nice way to take away the credit that someone put into something - like publishing a story but deleting the author's name.



about 15 years ago

Super lame, DNT!


about 15 years ago

I wonder if the DNT will keep the blog and just have some low paid flunky run it? 

Paul Lundgren

about 15 years ago

"News Tribune Attic" was not Andrew Krueger's personal blog. It was a product of his work at the News Tribune, which I believe was well-respected within the ranks, since some of his posts were printed in the paper.

Clearly he was laid off for financial reasons. It is strange that his name was removed from the blog, but I don't think that's any indication that someone else will take it over.


about 15 years ago

I guess personal blog wasn't exactly what I meant.  I got the impression he started the blog while working at the paper and having access to their archives.  I didn't think the DNT came up with the idea on their own and just had Andrew execute it.  If it was the DNT's blog why was it hosted on Area Voices and not the dnts own site?  I just figured that this was something he came up with and the paper latched on later.  Because they only recently made it a part of the actual paper.

Paul Lundgren

about 15 years ago is owned by Forum Communications Co./Duluth News Tribune.

Andrew probably came up with the idea to do the blog, but it was always part of his job.


about 15 years ago

Makes sense, didn't realize they owned it.  My point was more that it seemed more his creative touch than the papers.  Either way I'm not changing my opinion on Forum one iota.


about 15 years ago

+ All of the DNT's blogs are hosted by Areavoices. It's part of their screwed-up system, which, like most bad ideas at the DNT, comes out of Fargo.
+ Andrew did come up with the idea for the Attic, as far as I know. 
+ I would be VERY surprised if they DIDN'T make someone else take over the Attic. Mark my word, it'll be tacked onto someone else's duties (but not some "low paid flunky," as Chris put it -- it's not as if they're going to hire someone new for this purpose). I predict it'll be back up soon, which kind of sucks if you're Andrew.

Tim K

about 15 years ago

I wouldn't hold my breath on the DNT maintaining the Attic blog. When Ann Klefstad was pushed out, they got rid of her blog, too.


about 15 years ago

You made something good, Andrew. Your project really connected with people. Wish our community still had a place (almost said *forum*) for all these talented people to keep contributing.  AND make a living at it.  If content (and thereby the brand's reputation) keeps spiraling down, the DNT just might find itself with a rival upstart.


about 15 years ago

I really wish that there would be a substantial rival upstart. If I had any publishing skills/experience I would gladly participate. I would subscribe to that paper, just as a way to say "kiss off" to the DNT.


about 15 years ago

Looks like the Attic will continue, just without Andrew.  There's a new post on there today by someone named Jimmy Bellamy.  Looks like they just cleared the blog of any mention of Andrew, and will continue it on with another staffer.

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