The Local Promo

My first promo for The Local.

Background music by Crew Jones.


you know who

about 15 years ago

Radio Perfect Day Duluth? Are you going to play any of the hated Superior bands? I doubt it.


about 15 years ago

Are you positive about anything Craig?

you know who

about 15 years ago

I'll be postive when the superior bands are not the butt of jokes. a.k.a. the joke Adam put in his rag last week. Superior bands are just as hard working than Duluth Bands. Superior has more new music and new bands than Duluth. Just check out the concert calendar for Superior. MORE TWIN CITIES BANDS THAN DULUTH! SUPERIOR IS SUPERIOR!

Paul Lundgren

about 15 years ago

I guess it's clear now who the hater is, Craig. Thanks for clearing that up.


about 15 years ago

For the record my name is Scott, not Adam and I have full intention of playing music from all over the region. 

BTW it's just a Bridge, get over it.


about 15 years ago

haha, the bridge, "get over it." get it? oh twin ports.


about 15 years ago

Wow, boasting of twin cities bands. That is precious. How about local bands. I think the allure of Duluth is that bigger bands don't see it as a real market so there is a void filled by quality local bands.

BTW it is just a Bridge, get over it (to the good side with the hill).

This Duluth vs. Superior thing will NEVER pan out on Superior's side. Positive communication may be showing that great events are going on in Superior. The red mug has drawn me in a few times and the fact that liquor stores are open on Sundays does sometimes too. What else is there? Are there bars that don't have just cover bands? I never hear about them.

What I want to know is: If you are a band from Superior and you play in the Twin Cities do you say you are from Superior Wisconsin or Duluth Minnesota?


about 15 years ago

Thirsty Pagan Brewery has plenty of non cover music.  Norm's has a fairly open booking policy as well from covers to local death metal.

And when I was in a band that was all from Superior, we always introduced ourselves as being from Superior.  There is no added benefit to saying from Duluth.


about 15 years ago

The 25th is my birthday...can you play me something special?


about 15 years ago

Why are we bickering about Duluth vs. Superior? The only drawback to Superior is the smokey bars.

Paul Lundgren

about 15 years ago

Bev's Jook Joint and the Main Club also host bands at least once a month.

But the bottom line is that Duluth and Superior do not have their own separate music scenes. Duluth bands play in Superior all the time; Superior bands play in Duluth all the time. Most bands have members from both cities anyway.

Danny. Yes...THAT Danny.

about 15 years ago

Back on topic: the promo is ok, but it's not nearly as entertaining as the birthday/love song to to Adam Curry and Podshow.


about 15 years ago

Let me know when your birthday is near and I will tape a song for you Danny. BTW it was for Adam Christianson of the MacCast not Adam Curry.

you know who

about 15 years ago

When have you seen one of the so called Superior bands play in Duluth? Pizza Luce? No. 

Superior has such a nicer open door policy than Duluth. If you want to book a show in Superior you don't have get appoval from "the company" in Duluth. 

I doubt that Starfire will play any Portraits of Judith, Xhaust, Toyko Storm Troopers, Skard Inc, Jaundice, Grounds for Dissmal, The Very People, 550 Million Society, The Surfactants, Uprising, The Fractals (orignals), Kritical Kontact, and Cannon.

Via Superior! Duluth can suck it!


about 15 years ago

If those bands send their disc to KUMD they will get played, unless you are in any of them.

you know who

about 15 years ago

why must they send discs to the station? What about Mp3's? Do you have an audio drop box? Discs are outdated. Bands are embracing new techology, Dj's should do the same.

Paul Lundgren

about 15 years ago

I've seen the Very People, 550 Million Society, the Surfactants, Kritical Kontact and the Fractals all play in Duluth. And that's just shows I'VE gone to in Duluth. And none of them needed approval from Pizza Luce to get gigs in Duluth, and none of them needed approval from Craig to convince me to attend their shows.


about 15 years ago

Feel free to send me MP3's. starfire at gmail dot com

The best chance of getting airplay at KUMD is to send a disc. There are many different DJ's/Shows and unless you want to hunt down every single DJ and send them an MP3 you probably won't get airplay. 

Last I knew bands had to promote themselves. There is plenty of music to play at the station without the mostly volunteer staff spending time begging bands for poorly compressed MP3's.

Dale Carnegie

about 15 years ago

You haven't read my book, have you "you know who"

you know who

about 15 years ago

That's the difference between the Sup Town people and the Duluth people. 

It's amazing that the Sup town bands and bands who choose to play the Sup Town Scene seem to help each other out.

Duluth People want people to kneel and claim how excellent thier scene is. 

If I was the DJ for a new local show, I would be on myspace sending out messages, knocking on doors, going to shit load of shows, and then still begging bands for discs and mp3s. 

But I guess that's the difference from the DIY help each other out attuitude of Superior and the Elistist Duluth Scene.


about 15 years ago

Well Isn't that exactly what I am doing?

I want my couch back!


about 15 years ago

I know that our very own greatest music festival Homegrown doesn't discriminate. You just need to have played out a few times. 

Homegrown is something unique and awe-inspiring and I am so glad that I've not only been able to play, but to experience the greatest week a year for music. I wonder who started that?

I agree with the smoke thing. Smoking in bars is really a HUGE turnoff for me. I want to play music and have fun, not deal with headaches and being sick for the next day or two.


about 15 years ago


you know who

about 15 years ago

Yes, Turn on Radio Perfect Duluth Day. While the rest of this scene, the scene I support grow and embrace new techology.

Danny. Yes...THAT Danny.

about 15 years ago

Well...I do have episode 100 of Danny Does Duluth coming up very, very soon.

I can't beleive I've been making fun of the birthday song for so long now (on my old show AND my current show) and this whole time I thought it was for Adam Curry.


about 15 years ago

When I worked at the Ripsaw, Both used to run a promo that said they hailed from "Inferior, Wisconsin". Because I am an idiot, it took me two years to catch the joke, even after I placed it in the classified and puzzled over the weird wording roughly 20 times. 

FYI, 550 Million Society is made up of Tim Nelson, Dicky Brooks and Jim Hagstom. Last I checked, at least two-thirds of those guys live off of Woodland Ave.


about 15 years ago

See how the Duluth Elitist act. Yes, Nice belittlement.


about 15 years ago

starfire -- you have a nice voice.


about 15 years ago

This is a legitimate question:

Is it pronounced "low-calm" or "local-em"?


about 15 years ago

how about fuck off


about 15 years ago

I don't see how that works phonetically, but OK.

Rocky Dennis

about 15 years ago

Some people say i look like a lion


about 15 years ago

Yay for wednesdays at 5!  syncing my calendar now. 

How long is the show?

Harriet Lane

about 15 years ago

Looking forward to the Starfire program, but Sounds Eclectic, is it going away or rescheduled?


about 15 years ago

Nic Harcourt left KCRW so the show is no more.


about 15 years ago

What's with the Superior vs. Duluth crap? I live in Superior, and the obvious truth is, it ain't that great a place. But it's home. Who the hell cares how many bands are from a given side of the bridge? Both towns have more than their per capita share of good musicians hailing from them, though there's so much back and forth movement that it hardly matters which side of the bay your present rented shack lies upon. 

And Danny, for chrissakes, would you please stop doing Duluth? It's getting pretty sore already.


about 15 years ago

And that's too bad about Sounds Eclectic, it was my favorite syndicated music show on KUMD. Nic Harcourt is much more innovative than David "I'm-cooler-than-you-because-I-interview-rock-stars-every-day" Dye's Worldless Cafe. KUMD could stand to switch out one of their three daily hours of it with something more worth listening to, like Democracy Now!, or paint drying.


about 15 years ago

craig. way back when, i used to think that you & i could work together, even though i was advised against it. my peers were correct. your baby rants and insult slinging here are fucking redic! i don't know any other way to tell you this but you are a jack-ass. if you can't see how you are digging your own grave and alienating yourself AND all the bands you supposedly are "representing", you need help. please seek it now & stfu. that is all.

you know who

about 15 years ago

Oh big deal. I'm not allowed to work with Duluth Super Cool Music Club. Big deal. Superior will keep having the cool shows in my book. We will have the metal, techno, industrial, folk, and classic rock and roll. Have fun at Luce. I am a jackass. Yet, who will cover your shit in the future? Perfect Day Duluth? NO! Duluth News Tribune? Good luck. Suck it PDD. Suck it. Drink your bullshit drinks at the bar in Pizza Luce. Bitch about the price coffee. Bitch about smoking. The rest of the Twin Ports are big enough for all us. Me, The bands, and your pompous asses.


about 15 years ago

i book for a club in superior for fuck sake!


about 15 years ago

I think Craig hates pizza.

This is where all the misplaced rage is coming from.

Come on Craig!

Pizza is our friend.

Not our enemy!

you know who

about 15 years ago

Well.. Alot of people told me not to work with you, and guess what I tried to work with you.


about 15 years ago

OK that is enough. 

I don't think 97% of the people in this region care whether you are from Duluth, Superior or even *shudder* the Twin Cities. Let's just support each other and get about the business of making music.


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