Where in Duluth? Posts

Where in Duluth?

Duluth is where the heart is. Where in Duluth, MN?

Bonus points if you can figure the swatch of land that the heart covers. I’m stumped on the scale there, but at a minimum I’m thinking Proctor and maybe Esko and a township or three.

Where in the Twin Ports?

Where in Duluth (Flashback Edition)

Hint 1: This photo was taken in 2006.
Hint 2: The sign is no longer there.

Where in Duluth can a man get some martini’s these days?

Get your martini's!

Still upset that Black Woods stopped serving your favorite Martini’s to go back to the more traditional martinis? Well! Have no fear for you can now get them again on Tuesdays at another fine Superior Street establishment. But keeping in the spirit of Where in Duluth?, you’ll need to figure out where.

*Tap pints also not from tap.

Where in Duluth?

Where in Duluth? — Some easy ones

From time to time on PDD we like to play a little game called “Where in Duluth?” The first person to name the location of the photo wins bragging rights.

Since this one is so easy, it will be followed up in the comments with a few more easy ones, because it just seems like the right thing to do.

Where in Duluth (easy edition)

Where in Duluth?

Time once again for the exciting quiz sensation in which you try to guess where in Duluth a photo was taken.

Where in Duluth?

Who was here before the current business expanded into this area?

Where in Duluth?

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Where Near Duluth?

Where in Duluth?

This one ought to be fairly easy, but we’ll see how it goes.

Kauzlaric Woods: Where in Duluth?

Normally when we play “Where in Duluth?” there would be a photo that doesn’t blatantly reveal the answer. In this case, we have a photo that obviously was shot at Kauzlaric Woods. So more specifically we ask, “Where in Duluth is Kauzlaric Woods?”

Once we’re done playing that little game, perhaps someone will be able to tell us who “Kauzlaric” is.

When at Krenzen Service Center …

My way of passing the time yesterday at Krenzen . . .

Take advantage of the huge curved blackboard set up next to the waiting area – a great way to pass the time while the Honda gets serviced.

Where in Duluth?

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