Where in Duluth? Posts

Where in Duluth?

This episode of Where in Duluth? might be a little tricky, but I decided to add it because 1) it is on a building that faces a heavily-travelled street, and 2) it also is a perfect example of a building anomaly found in this awesome webcomic:  Subnormality.

Where in Duluth?

Is that the lift bridge?

Is that the lift bridge at 2:56? I also thought the fireworks scene looked vaguely Duluthy at first but on second and third glance I don’t see how it could be, the bridge is in the wrong position related to the fireworks unless they are coming from Superior. Anyone else care to take a stab at it?

Where in Duluth?

This is kind of a follow up to the cherry red Help Phone.

Where in Duluth?

Where on the North Shore?


Barn yard animals run amuck!

Hey folks. I was wandering around the ravaged countryside and found this delightful critter. If you know where it is, it has a secret, though you’ll have to sneak up close to find out. That is, only if you can catch it. Can you guess where?

Jambox – Tune it in

My 14-year old told me about this this weekend as we were walking the dog around the neighborhood. “There’s a video of a guy snowboarding off this wall, then down into the creek and into that tunnel.” We got an e-mail at PDD headquarters this morning with this link, sure enough, the last shot is just as my kid described. Produced by local clothing company Jambox and filmed at familiar sites all over Duluth.

Where in Superior?

Where In Duluth?

Where in Duluth?

Where in Duluth?

This is probably a very easy one, but I just noticed this for the first time today. Anyone know how long this has been here?

Where in Duluth?


Where in Duluth?

Where in Duluth?

Where in Duluth?

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