Population Posts

Duluth Population: 1860 to 2020

According to the 2020 United States Census, Duluth’s population hit 86,697, up 432 people from the 2010 count but still down 20,187 from the all-time high in 1960.

Come on Duluth, pull your socks up!

Looking at Duluth in isolation, it has shrunk by 20 percent since 1960. In real terms, Duluth netted a population loss far greater when viewed in a regional context that accounts for the modest growth rates of Fargo, Rochester and Sioux Falls cited in the article. Had Duluth kept pace with those cities since 1960, Duluth would today have a population of 300,000. A nice sized, comfortable metro city.

Why doesn’t Duluth work?

Duluth News Tribune publishes article by white nationalist

On Nov. 25 the Duluth News Tribune published an opinion article, ostensibly about over-population, by a writer flagged by the Anti Defamation League for white nationalist comments, and for appearing on a notoriously anti-semitic website.

Duluth Population: 1860 to 2010

Update: A more recent version of this chart with the 2020 figure is now available.

Duluth Population Chart

Below are the U.S. Census figures from the graphic, along with some additional population numbers put together by Tony Dierckins of Zenith City Online fame:

Cool new census tool

New York Times: “Mapping America: Every City, Every Block”

Do with it what you will. I think it is very interesting.

Population of Duluth: 1860 to 2000

Update: A more recent version of this chart with 2010 and 2020 figures and additional notes is now available.

I can’t remember ever seeing a graph of Duluth’s population over time, so I made one. The results of the 2010 U.S. Census aren’t in yet, but the state demographer estimated a population of 85,220 in 2008, so perhaps a slight dip can be expected.

The topic for discussion: What is the ideal population for Duluth?