Photographers Posts

Selective Focus: Nate Lindstrom

“Awaiting”, Sunrise along the North Shore

“Awaiting”, Sunrise along the North Shore

You may have seen Nate Lindstrom’s photography at art festivals or through his annual calendar. For this week’s Selective Focus, Nate tells us about his landscape photography.

NL: It felt like it took a lot of experimenting, some minor frustrations and a heap of learning to make landscapes my photographic focus, but in hindsight that interest developed a long time ago. I’ve always had a love of nature and being outdoors and moving to a very outdoor-centered area of Minnesota helped me look at my surroundings in a different way. I was spending more time on trails, on the shore, sleeping in our many state parks, living through the hottest 10 days of our summer and diabolical winters. All of these things inspire what I look for in a subject or composition, and shape my overall style.

Selective Focus: Andy Miller


This week’s Selective Focus subject makes the most of the square format of Instagram with beautifully composed photos of abandoned, forgotten buildings around the area. Andy Miller tells us why he documents them.

Duluth Product Photographers

Does anybody out there in intraweb land know a good product photographer in Duluth? I have some small parts I need shot for a catalog, nothing too fancy. Compensation is negotiable. Athankyou!

Daily Duluth Photo

A new photo-a-day website has been launched, showcasing images from Duluth, MN. All images are submitted by people who visit the site.

Basically, by using the entry form, you are put into a pool for the current month. Your image may or may not be picked as the Photo of the Day for any given day of the month in which you submitted.