PDD Quiz Posts

PDD Quiz: Halloween Happenings 2023

This week’s quiz previews area Halloween hijinks. For even more spooky events, check out the Halloween category on the PDD event calendar.

A current events PDD quiz comes your way on Oct. 29. Submit question suggestions to Alison Moffat at [email protected] by Oct. 26.

PDD Quiz: September 2023

See how many September 2023 headlines you remember with this edition of the PDD quiz.

The next quiz, previewing Halloween shenanigans, will be published on Oct. 15. Submit question suggestions to Alison Moffat at [email protected] by Oct. 11.

PDD Quiz: Happy Trails to You

Lace up your boots and take a hike with this edition of the Perfect Duluth Day quiz, which highlights some local trails.

The next PDD quiz will review this month’s newsworthy events; it will be published on Sept. 24. Submit question suggestions to Alison Moffat at [email protected] by Sept. 20.

PDD Quiz: August 2023

Dive into this edition of the PDD Quiz and see how many local headlines you remember from the past month.

The next PDD quiz will highlight area hiking trails; it will be published on Sept. 10. Submit question suggestions to Alison Moffat at [email protected] by Sept. 6.

PDD Quiz: Restaurant Roundup

This summer has seen lots of movement on the restaurant front: new restaurants are popping up and existing restaurants are moving or expanding to additional locations. Dig into this week’s quiz to test your knowledge of the local food scene.

The next PDD quiz comes your way on Aug. 27; it will review the month’s headlines and happenings. Submit question suggestions to Alison Moffat at [email protected] by Aug. 23.

PDD Quiz: July 2023

As we close out another month of summer, take this week’s PDD quiz to see how many July 2023 headlines you remember.

The next PDD quiz will be published on Aug. 13. Submit question suggestions to Alison Moffat at [email protected] by Aug. 9.

PDD Quiz: Waterfalls

With summer in full swing, it’s the perfect time of year to explore the outdoors. This week’s PDD quiz spotlights some of the region’s many parks that feature cascading water. Both the Zenith City website and Tony Dierckins’ Duluth Historic Parks: Their First 100 Years were valuable resources for this quiz.

The next PDD quiz will be pubished on July 30; it will review the month’s headlines and happenings. Submit question suggestions to Alison Moffat at [email protected] by July 26.

PDD Quiz: June 2023

See how many June 2023 headlines you remember with this edition of the current affairs quiz.

The next PDD quiz, coming your way on July 9, will test your knowledge of area waterfalls. Submit question suggestions to Alison Moffat at [email protected] by July 5.

PDD Quiz: Hartley Park

Test your knowledge of Hartley Park with this edition of the PDD quiz. Sources include Zenith City Online, the Minnesota Digital Library, and the Hartley Nature Center website.

The next PDD quiz, reviewing June 2023 headlines and happenings, comes your way on June 25. Submit question suggestions to Alison Moffat at [email protected] by June 20.

PDD Quiz: May 2023

As the Northland shifts into summer mode, see how many May 2023 headlines you remember with this week’s current events quiz!

Hartley Park will be the subject of the next PDD quiz, which comes your way on June 11. Submit question suggestions to Alison Moffat at [email protected] by June 7.

PDD Quiz: Summer 2023 Coming Attractions

Now that spring has (maybe?) sprung, it’s time to get excited for summer in the Duluth area! Check out this week’s quiz to learn more about upcoming summer events, openings, and shenanigans.

Another PDD quiz, reviewing this month’s headlines, comes your way on May 28. Submit question suggestions to Alison Moffat at [email protected] by May 24.

PDD Quiz: April 2023

It’s time to take stock of another month of 2023. How many of the local headlines do you remember? Step up to this week’s current events quiz and find out!

The next PDD quiz, previewing upcoming summer events, will be published on May 14. Submit question suggestions to Alison Moffat at [email protected] by May 11.

PDD Quiz: April Foolish

Take a peek at April Fools’ Days of yesteryear with this week’s quiz!

The next PDD quiz will review April 2023 headlines; it will come your way on April 30. Please submit question suggestions to Alison Moffat at [email protected] by April 26.

PDD Quiz: March 2023

Another month of 2023 is in the books; how much of it do you remember? Quiz on to find out!

An April Fool-ish quiz comes your way on April 16; submit question suggestions to Alison Moffat at [email protected] by April 10.

PDD Quiz: Duluth Movie Mentions II

In honor of the Academy Awards on March 12, this week’s PDD quiz takes a look at mentions of Duluth on the silver screen. A previous quiz on this topic was published in August). If you’re looking to cheat study up on references to Duluth in popular culture, check out this sweet PDD tag.

The next PDD quiz will review the month’s headlines; it will be published on March 26. Submit question suggestions to Alison Moffat at [email protected] by March 22.