PDD Quiz Posts

PDD Quiz: Ides of March

Flood-Damage-Duluth-1972-First-Ave-WIt’s nigh the ides of March which is a good time to be wary. How much do you know about disasters that have befallen our fair city? Take the quiz and find out.

Thanks to Paul Lundgren for contributing to today’s quiz.

Our next quiz will be on March 27 and we will be looking in the rear view mirror at what’s happened in and around Duluth this month.

Send your suggested quiz questions (and answers) to lawrence @ perfectduluthday.com by noon on Wednesday, Mar. 23.

PDD Quiz: February 2016

Duluth GoatFebruary 2016 is almost over and it’s time to see if you were paying attention! Take the quiz about events in and around Duluth over the last month.

Our next quiz will be on March 13 and, since that’s near the ides of March, we’ll be looking at the history of disasters in the Duluth area.

Send your suggested quiz questions (and answers) to lawrence @ perfectduluthday.com by noon on Wednesday, Mar. 9.

PDD Quiz: Presidents in Duluth

William Howard TaftNext week the quiz will be a review of Duluth happenings in February 2016. Send your suggested quiz questions (and answers) to lawrence @ perfectduluthday.com by noon on Wednesday, Feb. 24.

PDD Quiz: Roses are red. Violets are blue.

Next week’s theme is “Presidents in Duluth” in honor of Presidents Day. Send your suggested quiz questions (and answers) to lawrence @ perfectduluthday.com by noon on Wednesday, Feb. 17.

PDD Quiz: Are you ready for some football?

Malosky StadiumSince next week is Valentine’s Day, our theme will be “Love, Duluthian Style,” whatever that means to you. Send your suggested quiz questions (and answers) to lawrence @ perfectduluthday.com by noon on Wednesday, Feb. 10.

PDD Quiz: January 2016

danSince next week is the Super Bowl, our theme will be football in Duluth, so expect some Duluth Eskimo trivia. Send your suggested quiz questions (and answers) to lawrence @ perfectduluthday.com by noon on Wednesday, Jan. 27.

PDD Quiz: The Untold Delights of Duluth

Zenith City of the Unsalted SeaThanks to the historians and contributors over at Zenith City Online. Their article on “The Untold Delights of Duluth” was the basis for many of the questions and answers for this quiz. So, if you want to cheat study up before taking the quiz, head over there.

Next week’s theme will be focused on the happenings of January 2016 in and around Duluth. Send your suggested quiz questions (and answers) to lawrence @ perfectduluthday.com by noon on Wednesday, Jan. 27.

PDD Quiz: Cold enough for ya?

Lake Superior Water TemperatureNext week’s theme, as we near the 135th anniversary of J. Proctor Knott’s famous speech, will be “The Untold Delights of Duluth.” Send your suggested quiz questions (and answers) to lawrence @ perfectduluthday.com by noon on Wednesday, Jan. 20.

PDD Quiz: Mayors of Duluth

Mayor McChickenAs we transition from the Don Ness era to the Emily Larson era, this edition of the PDD Quiz focuses on Duluth mayoral history.

Thanks to Jake La Jeunesse and Paul Lundgren for contributing to this week’s quiz.

Next week’s theme, as we move into what is typically the coldest time of the year, will be “Cold enough for ya?” Send your suggested quiz questions (and answers) to lawrence @ perfectduluthday.com by noon on Wednesday, Jan. 13.

PDD Quiz: 2015 Year in Review