Let’s see how and if the PDD community’s opinion varies from the more general opinion of Minnesotans discussed in this post from last week.
Do you support or oppose allowing Sunday liquor sales in Minnesota?

Let’s see how and if the PDD community’s opinion varies from the more general opinion of Minnesotans discussed in this post from last week.
Do you support or oppose allowing Sunday liquor sales in Minnesota?
According to the latest poll by Public Policy Polling, Minnesotans continue to be in strong support of allowing liquor stores to open on Sundays.
Do you support or oppose allowing Sunday liquor sales?
Support …… 59%
Oppose ……. 27%
Not sure ….. 14%
There’s a bipartisan consensus on the issue with Democrats supporting it 61/22, Republicans 46/38, and independents 68/23. The only group that doesn’t support it is elected officials.
I apologize for not being as vigilant with this as John Ramos has been with his countdown, but here’s the latest sad news on one of the most idiotic laws ever:
The bill to allow retail sales of alcohol on Sundays in Minnesota is scheduled to be heard in the Senate Commerce Committee on Wednesday, March 16, at 10:30 a.m.
Quoth Sen. Roger Reinert of Duluth:
“Sunday liquor sale laws are remnants of a bygone era that no longer make sense in a 21st Century world.”
The Duluth News Tribune is reporting that State Senator Roger Reinert has introduced legislation that would allow Minnesota liquor stores to open on Sundays.
Story link: “Liquor on Sunday?”
And we haven’t even bitched about blue laws on PDD since September. Too busy drinking to fight for our rights, I guess.
One of the questions on the 2010 House of Representatives State Fair Poll (conducted by Minnesota House Public Information Services) was:
Do you believe liquor stores and automobile dealers should be permitted to open on Sundays?
And the results …
Yes ………… 6,742 | 68%
No ………….. 2,480 | 25%
Undecided …… 668 | 7%
So, were the 25 percent who said no all from Lakeside?
(This really ought to be a series. Link to post #1 here.)
According to estimates by the Distilled Spirits Council of the United States, Minnesota could raise $10 million in tax revenues simply by allowing liquor stores to sell on Sundays.
Read this brief story from Saint Paul Legal Ledger Capitol Report for more info.
But the real reason to allow liquor stores to sell on Sundays is because it’s stupid not to, right?