Restaurants Posts

Earth Hour 2010

Designed: Chelsey L

Earth Hour will be coming back to the Duluth area this March! From 8:30 to 9:30 p.m. on March 27 the World Wildlife Fund asks individuals and businesses to turn off their lights for the hour. Nearly one billion people from 87 countries participated in Earth Hour last year!

Mexico Lindo sign is up at Fitger’s

I noticed last week that the sign is up outside the Fitger’s Brewery Complex for the Mexico Lindo restaurant. Any word on an opening date? Anyone?

In other Mexico Lindo related news, don’t go to the Cloquet location on Friday. I’m predicting the place will be packed like never before. Denfeld plays Hermantown for the Section 5A hockey championship at the Cloquet Area Recreation Center at 7 p.m. I’m sure I’m not the only one planning a pregame meal.

Great Food. Bad Punctuation.

For as swanky as Black Water is you’d think management would check the signage better.

Duluth-area restaurants serving phở

phoPhở is a Vietnamese soup and there are trendy phở places all over in the Twin Cities. What about Duluth and Superior?

Taste of Saigon?

Thai Krathong?

Vietnamese Lotus Inn?

McKenzie’s good, alive yet?

I was wondering if anyone could comment on McKenzie’s north of Miller Hill Mall. Good, bad, even open yet? Obviously, I don’t hit the hill that much.

Two Buck Chuck and the Real Price of Cheap

So, I tried several times to comment in the “restaurants” discussion thread in response to people talking about Trader Joe’s, cheap wine and such, and my comment didn’t go through for some reason.  Guess it was the “anti-threadjack” filter PDD has now! (Wouldn’t that be nice!)

My thoughts were these:

A 17-year old woman died from heat exhaustion about a year ago while working in a vineyard that supplies grapes for 2-buck-chuck. Trader Joe’s dodged the responsibility by saying it was a “contractors” problem. That seems slippery ethics to me.

Here’s Food First’s Action Alert on this.

And another blog article.

The United Farm Workers is suing the state of California (partially prompted by this case), to get the state to protect workers from hazardous field conditions.

The reality seems to be that if you get to buy it cheap, someone (workers) or something (the environment) is getting exploited.

So, my question, do we and/or should we think about these kinds of things when we’re looking for a buzz to accompany our dinner?

Duluth’s New Restaurants in 2009

What is going on with all the new food joints in Duluth?

R.I.P. Lakeview Castle Duluth

Lakeview Castle Duluth

Word on the street is the Lakeview Castle will be closing it doors.

Duluth Thanksgiving Dinner Restaurant Rocommendations

What’s a good place to eat dinner on Thanksgiving day in Duluth?

(Looking for a restaurant recommendation, not the suggestion to go to your grandmother’s house!)

California Camry Cuisine

Jason Wussow and Dan Dresser, the guys who made the movie Cooking on the Car, are taking their mobile kitchen on the road again soon. They’re hoping to challenge Jay Leno to a cook off – putting their Toyota Camry up against one of Leno’s fancy schmancy cars. Or maybe Conan is still driving his Taurus.

Follow them:

Cooking on the Car will also be showing this Saturday at that Zinema.

Wine! Food! Beer! Cool Stuff! Good cause!

2nd Annual Chester Bowl Wine & Beer Tasting and Silent Auction
Saturday, October 17th, 6:30pm-9:30pm
Baja Billy’s Restaurant – Fitger’s – 600 E. Superior St.
$25 Per Person in Advance
$35 Per Person at the Door

This is the major fundraiser of the year for the ski program and other kids activities at Chester Bowl.
See more info and buy tickets online at

Picture 32

New Japanese Restaurant


Does anyone know about the new Japanese Restaurant opening on 1st Ave West? I guess it’s called Hanabi Japanese Cuisine and it is located at 110 N. 1st Ave West. Not sure when they open or what their menu is going to be like. I did hear someone mention Zen House opening a Downtown location, is this it? Or is this a totally different thing?

Hey Hardee’s, are you serious?


Extreme Home Makeover – Huber Edition

It has ben confirmed that Sunday September 27 will be the season premier of Extreme Makeover – Home Edition and that the first show if the season will feature none other than our South Shore friends the Huber family.  Ace’s on 29th in Superior will be hosting a party during the show – offering FREE appetizers and snacks during the show.  The back room will feature EM – HE on all the TVs and we will celebrate Superior’s amazing role in the life changing event.  Producers of the show say that the residents and businesses in the Twin Ports turned out in droves, maybe the most local support they have seen in the history of the show.  So come on down to Ace’s on 29th in Superior on 9/27 and celebrate the Huber’s joy and watch your fellow Northlanders on TV.

Nokomis in Wall Street Journal

Nokomis, the restaurant on the North Shore between the French and Knife rivers, gets play in the Wall Street Journal:

Dinner Deep in Walleye Territory

The premise of the piece? “There’s good eats in places other than New York and L.A.” What do we learn from it? “Walleye is a very big deal hereabouts.” In any case, congrats to Nokomis for the (IMO, deserved) recognition.