sinae Posts

Instead of work holiday party, seeking volunteering ideas

That awkward holiday work party — where no one really wants to go, but feels obligated. Well, we want to do something different this year and need ideas! Last year, instead of apps and drinks while milling about awkwardly, we got to do a blitz build with Habitat for Humanity. It was a blast, and it really brought us together, while helping a family in need. Do you have any ideas for this year? There would be roughly 16 of us, and we would want to be able to work together for the most part. We could take a half day to work, or even a couple hours. The tough thing would be to try to schedule this activity on a Monday-Friday, sometime around the holiday season. Any suggestions welcome!

Must Love Olive

My name is Olive. I’m looking for a new home to call my own.

Wanted: beach water temperature patrol

Maybe this is already somewhere on the webs, but wouldn’t it be nice to have somewhere to go to see how warm/cold the lake is before venturing down for a swim? I’m not talking exact temps per say, but a simple, yeah, the water off the point is “vagina aching cold” today, or, the water at Brighton is “just peed in the lake” warm, come on down. Of course, it’s never a bad idea to mosey on down to the lake and find out for yourself, but it would be way cool to have a temp update too.