Seeking migration stories to teach, publish

This semester, I will be teaching a class focusing on migration stories. If you have a favorite such story (about human migration, bird migration, software migration), especially one with a Duluth connection, please send it my way: dbeard @, or comment below.

Seeking Migration Stories to Publish

Students in Writing Studies 4200, “Writing and Cultures,” at the University of Minnesota Duluth will edit a collection of creative writing (poems and nonfiction writing) about the broad theme of “migration.” As such, they solicit writings on this topic for inclusion in the collection.

Submissions could address the topic from many perspectives

  • Individual and family migration (expatriation, immigration, refugee, etc.) stories

  • Nonfiction accounts of life within immigrant communities

  • Historical accounts of migration (including mass migrations)

  • Animal migrations (e.g., bird, fish, insect, and mammal migrations like those described on Wikipedia)

  • Be creative. Software migration? Cell migration? Livestock migration?

    Submissions should be less than 5,000 words (20 typed pages) for essays and journals; poetry submissions should include no more than five individual poems and no one poem should be more than five pages in length.

    Submissions will be reviewed by students in the class and by faculty with related expertise.

    Authors retain all copyright of their work; we seek only permission for first publication in the collection, which will live on the Minnesota Libraries Publishing Project and as a Amazon book (sold at-cost on Amazon). Our previous project can be found on

    Please submit your work to: dbeard @ by Jan. 30 for earliest consideration. A second deadline will follow on Feb. 28. In the subject line, please indicate “Submission for ‘Migrations.’”

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