Monthly Grovel: Final Edition

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With the state of independent publishing being what it is, Perfect Duluth Day will no doubt continue groveling for donations for years to come. We’re going to start doing it in different ways, however, so this is the final “Monthly Grovel” post. Basically we’re just going to stop calling our grovel a grovel, but we’re also going to start providing a little more behind-the-curtain information.

At present we are working on a bunch of upgrades in preparation for our 20th year of serving the community. In the future we’ll tell you more about what that means, but for now we’ll just assure those of you justifiably afraid of change that we aren’t doing a confusing redesign, eliminating a bunch of features, producing more clickbait or doing any of things you’ve come to grudgingly expect from the internet. That’s not how we roll. We’re just talking about several minor improvements.

In the meantime, here’s one final groveling reminder that human beings and not machines are at work editing and publishing event listings on the PDD Calendar. So if you appreciate it, drop a few bucks in the PayPal account.

Yes, PDD does receive income from advertising, but it’s never been enough to pay anything close to living wages.

What makes PDD so worthy of your spare change? Well, in addition to the obvious thing — the content you read here every day — we have also never uglied our website with popup ads, animated ads, Google surveys or auto-playing videos, and we don’t intend to start. There are no paywalls on PDD. We don’t publish “paid content” drivel or lists of the “Nine kitchen gadgets that will save the planet.” We don’t gather and sell your personal information. We believe the internet can be better than that.

So make a donation if you can, and please support our advertisers. Thanks in advance for anything you can do.

Follow this link for more info about our calendar fundraising.

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