Web Woods Trail

Web Woods Trail entrance

New hiking paths pop up in Duluth faster than I can keep track of them. Web Woods Trail was in the news when it opened in 2012, but I didn’t check it out back then, and soon I’d forgotten about it. So when my wife asked if I’d ever been on the trail off Oak Bend Drive in Duluth Heights all I could respond with is: “What trail?

Web Woods Trail Map 2015

It turns out Web Woods is a very minor trail — a one-half-mile loop with a few straggling unmapped alternate entries/exits. When you look at the trail-head sign on Oak Bend Drive, however, it’s on a short list with the city’s most famous trails, making any lifelong Duluthian who hasn’t heard of it feel like a twit.

List of Duluth Trails

Web Woods Trail in Duluth

Although the trail is short, it’s a nice piece of woods, full of mature climbin’ trees. 

cool tree

good climbing tree

There are also at least two geocaches — one pathetically easy, one pretty clever and tricky to find.

Web Woods geocache

If you’re looking for a brief and easy traipse in the urban woods, Web Woods Trail is worth checking out.

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