Opportunity to win $100 by hardly selling your soul at all

PDDMarketingWeaselIn general we do our best at Perfect Duluth Day to avoid getting all up in your face with advertising-related gimmicks. Every two years or so, however, the PDD Marketing Weasel comes waltzing out with his devilish wink and snappy blue tie and demands we conduct a survey to help him sell the modest square boxes that appear on the right column of this website and supply the vast fortune that keeps our media empire thriving.

For the sake of our collective shame, we offer survey participants an entry into a $100-prize drawing. Who wouldn’t concede to a minor privacy invasion for the chance to win a fat C-note? It’s a pretty simple survey, after all.

This survey has concluded. Thanks for participating.

You do not need to be logged in or have an account with PDD; you just have to be a human being with the ability to click things on the Internet and the willingness to disclose your age, gender, etc.

If you are nervous about what kind of questions are on the survey, you can always click the link, read them, and back out at any moment. You haven’t crossed any point of no return until you click “submit.”

Your specific info won’t be shared with anyone; we’re just looking to draw mass generic conclusions about the demographics of PDD readers. You won’t be put on any spam list or further bothered in any way.

1 Comment

Paul Lundgren

about 9 years ago

Thanks to everyone who participated in our survey. The winner of our drawing was Melissa Hann. Congratulations Melissa!

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