June 2013 Posts

Video Archive: Ball Scuffing

Aug. 5, 1987: Paul Guggenheimer mans the KBJR-TV sports desk to deliver the news that Minnesota Twins pitcher Joe Niekro has been suspended for possession of an emery board and sandpaper. Plus, highlights of a Twins/Angels game; the downside is the Twins lose, the upside is they went on to win the World Series that year.

Lost Minature Pinscher in West Duluth

Lost! Special needs dog. Jurgen is a Mini Pincher, 3 years old, red color, full tail and ears. She was wearing a pink collar with a bone-shaped ID tag and heart-shaped rabies tag, both silver. She has seizures and needs a special diet. Went missing on May 28 in the area of 35th Avenue West and Grand Avenue. Reward. Please call Amanda 218-206-4118 or Glenn 612-987-3642

Morel Hunting in Greater Duluth Area

I’ve done quite a bit of morel hunting in southern Minnesota, where I’m from, but I don’t know if there are morels up here or good places to look. If anyone up here has hunted mushrooms and can point me in the right direction I would appreciate it. I realize that good morel grounds might be top secret around here, but if anyone is willing to share I promise I won’t tell anyone!

Critters Updated