Cello needs friends!

I recently got custody of a cello. And happily, I’m not nearly as rusty as I thought I’d be. Seventeen years of piano teaching has helped quite a lot!

Now I want to find other people to play with! I’m at about an intermediate level. Would love to put together a quartet, but if anyone knew of some sort of orchestral option, that would thrill me beyond belief. But quartet I think could happen. Or trio. Violas are always sort of hard to find.

Which reminds me. I am also looking for a violist to play Rebecca Clarke’s viola sonata with me on the piano. It’s been something I’ve wanted to play for years but have never started because finding a violist isn’t exactly easy!

Any ideas? Anyone want to come over and play?



about 13 years ago

Contact Josh Aerie and see if he is still conducting the Woodland Orchestra. It's an all-skills deal.


about 13 years ago

A Winter Downpour has been looking for a string player for a while now. Please check out our Facebook and get a hold of us if you like. --Ken


about 13 years ago

I should probably interject that I am a classically trained musician. I have a master's degree in piano performance and pedagogy. I can do lots of things. But I can't improvise. 

I have a husband that is one h-e-double-hockey-sticks of a roots rock fiddle player though. He also needs to find people to play with

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