Alternative view on drugs



about 13 years ago

Oh, drug means two different things.


about 13 years ago

At first I thought this was going to discuss the opiate of the masses.


about 13 years ago

I don't go to church and I like to say f*ck.  I also don't do Meth.  What else ya got Wonderboy???


about 13 years ago

I love that one of the categories is "total bullshit".

Bad Cat!

about 13 years ago

I hate when people whitewash the past! There were drug problems back then, it's just that most people never saw it. Opium dens, soldiers addicted to heroin, bathwater-gin alcoholics, etc. etc. etc. Even fricking Sherlock Holmes was abusing drugs! The only difference is that they didn't have the nightly news to show them all the gritty footage.


about 13 years ago

I hope the "woodshed" mentality will someday be left far in the past. Signed, A Mother Who Does Not Beat Her Nevertheless-Well-Behaved Children


about 13 years ago

Yay for religious indoctrination and child abuse!

I hope the person who wrote that pile of crap didn't carry the tradition of beating kids into the next generation.

Barrett Chase

about 13 years ago

Ten bucks says "has appeared on the internet" means that this was originally a chain e-mail.


about 13 years ago

I first saw this about a year ago.  I was visiting a community center somewhere in our region that has been hit very hard by meth and prescription drug abuse. Someone had tacked it up on a bulletin board as food for thought.  

I guess I was raised pretty much like it says in this commentary and while this makes sense in a conventional wisdom/old school sort of way, the truth is that I still ended up with a lot of problems in my teenage and young adult years (and heck, even now).  Some of the problems possibly even stemmed from having this sort of upbringing.  

But what I do like is that it is advocating parental and community involvement in the lives of children and in our communities.  And having adults call kids into account for their activities.  

As food for thought, the best minds in America have studied this issue and come up with a set of guidelines or  "Protective Factors"  that are most likely to prevent child abuse, produce well grounded adults, and break the vicious cycles of poverty, addiction, domestic violence, etc.  Here's a link to an organization that I really like that teaches about these principles:   "Love is not enough to keep your family strong" 


about 13 years ago

If I didn't make this clear before, I oppose spanking and "woodshed" style parenting.  I'm not sure if I made that clear enough originally.  I do, however, understand how some people find themselves in desperate situations where they might think this is the best option for "saving" their kids.


about 13 years ago

My grandfather was a member of the "children are meant to be seen and not heard" generation that lived through the dust bowl years and the Depression. Speaking out of turn didn't merit being drug by the ears *anywhere.* It meant being backhanded into the next room. Telling a lie meant being beaten with a belt until the backs of his legs bled.

As a young boy, he worked the fields from before sunup until it was time to go to school and then after school, it was back out to the fields again til after dark.

Judging from the strictness of my own dad, I'm guessing more than a little bit of that was passed down from father to son.

Did it accomplish its task? Probably to some degree but I still rebelled, just as he rebelled against his own dad. The lessons my dad taught me were done in the only fashion he knew how, which was in the same way his dad taught him ... and are really only apparent now that I have children of my own.

From the stories I got from him and from my folks, the piece does sound like a whitewashed version of what really went on "back then," but in reality it was a harsh, hard reality to grow up in. (He often told me that until he was 15, he never knew chickens had meat on them save what could be found on their feet.)
I am thankful this type of discipline isn't a part of today's societal norm.


about 13 years ago

Here is an interesting opposing view to this kind of nostalgia:

Was 1957 America Better Than Today? (An Outright Rant!)


about 13 years ago

I wouldn't expect any other view from this crowd. And you wonder why we have people smoking industrial-waste shavings in public and bragging about it on the cover of the DNT? The "me" generation runs their family, not the parents.


about 13 years ago

Clear, strict rules and expectations can be achieved in a family without resorting to violence. Most parents who hit their children do so in fits of anger and when frustration overwhelms them, and not because of some level-headed philosophy that corporal punishment is best.

about 13 years ago

Got kids, Jimmers?

Barrett Chase

about 13 years ago

Who do you mean by the "me" generation? I'm pretty sure they're all pushing 60 now.

about 13 years ago

The ME generation founded the ME Party which was little more than a small group of armchair patriots who attended daytime rallies and pined for the Good Old Days when men were men and women and folks of color knew their place. As soon as the weather turned cold, they flew south to Arizona.

Corporal punishment teaches through fear, which is unfortunately oftentimes mistaken for respect ... and like torture, rarely achieves the desired effect.


about 13 years ago

Jimmers, is it your contention that the deadbeats smoking incense would not be doing so if only they had been beaten as kids and dragged to church?  Maybe you can find a Whites Only lunch counter somewhere and lament about the good 'ole days with some like-minded people.


about 13 years ago

Beverly is right, so is 'Zra.  If mild forms of corporal punishment (such as a mild spank or tap on the rear-end) happened to work I might advocate them.  But corporal punishment really doesn't.  Most of the time when it is used a parent has actually lost control of the situation and often also him or herself.


about 13 years ago

The "me generation" wants the government to keep its hands off its Medicare.


about 13 years ago

OK, I understand the responses to Jim except Chris's. What the heck does feeling a kid should get a spanking or two and that they should go to church have to do with suddenly busting out the racism card? In my opinion Chris, that was just a low brow disgusting way to sneak in an unwarranted attack of the lowest kind. Unless Jim or any one else makes a racist comment, leave that distasteful insinuation off the table.


about 13 years ago

My point was that the article was glorifying the good old days.  And segregation was a part of that generation that many want to put on some pedestal.  I admit it's tenuous and done for melodramas sake.  I apologize if I offended.


about 13 years ago

That's a great point, and I agree with it, but it sounds like you're trying to justify blatantly calling out Jim as a racist with no reason, as just a great way to make that point and you weren't directing it at him but the article. You don't need to apologize to me, but Jim like him or hate him,(I have no clue who he is other than his posts on here I want to point out), deserves one for being called out as a racist when there is no proof, and despite your intentions, that is what you did.


about 13 years ago

This more of an alternate view on christianity.


about 13 years ago

Wow. Thanks Jadiaz. No offense Chris. I've got broad shoulders. And yes, Z, I had children. They experienced old-school punishment several times, including a paddle to the hiney and a bar of Ivory in the mouth. 

Was it in a fit of "rage" as you armchair feel-goods put it? Nope. It was appropriate punishment. Do I think that if the garbage-smoking-brain-deads had parents that "drug" them to church or "drug" them to a military camp would have turned out different? You betcha. Doesn't work all of the time obviously. Never does. Some are beyond help. But, if you vacated Camp Washington School for the Wasted and asked them about their childhood, I'd be willing to bet that most of them had parents who worried more about their own needs than their kids. Just like the fuck-up on the cover of the DNT, and just like fuck-ups like Chris that feels he's a pillar of community and good behavior. 

I do miss the good old days. I miss two parent-homes with moms that stayed home and raised their kids while teaching them good morals. I miss one-income homes that still found a way to have a family cabin and a new car every five or ten years because they saved and didn't rely on everyone bailing them out of stupid financial decisions. 

I miss Lawrence Welk on Saturday nights. I miss rooting for a team instead of a jersey. I miss dial telephones. I miss doctors that would come to our home and midwives that helped deliver our children. I miss a society that didn't start a lawsuit because they tripped on their own shoelace. I miss being proud of our leaders. I miss the four Rs. I miss real music. I miss real, not reality, television. I miss only having four channels. I miss inexpensive sports for our youngsters. I miss big Christmas tree bulbs. I miss being able to say you're a Christian without people like Chris making it sound like its a sickness. I miss teachers that would whack your ass if you got out of line in class. I miss V-8s. I miss Walter Cronkite. I miss English. I miss Dean Martin. I miss Sammy Davis Jr. I miss air travel that was a treat and was fun. I miss boxing. I miss family vacations by station wagon. I miss the smell of a Best Western Motel and the relief from the summer heat in their outdoor pool. I miss kitchy tourist traps. I miss drive-in movie theaters. I miss straight-leg pants that would stay on your hip. I miss Pontiac. I miss not having to worry about your kid being abducted if they went on a bike ride longer than a block. I miss family values.

about 13 years ago

You are missing a lot ain'tcha, buddy? You see change where others see evolution. Things change, no matter how much you want them to stay the same, and you can't expect others to keep it the same because you don't want change. Welcome to reality. Get a helmet.


about 13 years ago

I am missing a lot Z. If you read my diatribe, you would have noticed that I didn't expect anything, just stating my opinion and what I miss. That cool with you? If not, you can polish my helmet.

about 13 years ago

That's okay, buddy. Not quite my thing. Keep reaching for that rainbow though.

Paul Lundgren

about 13 years ago

Lawrence Welk reruns are still on. The Halloween episode was particularly awesome.


about 13 years ago

I do miss Pontiac, too.  For my part, Jim, I guess we agree more than we disagree.


about 13 years ago

This thread is dead so I'll just add: Lawrence is known for always having a great, far out Halloween show. He is, without a doubt, the hippest dude who never drank or did drugs.

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