In-wall insulation

Does anyone have a recommendation for a Duluth contractor to add insulation inside walls? I had an energy audit and the auditor recommended adding insulation inside my exterior walls, since there’s no insulation in there right now.

This is the first large project I’ve undertaken in my house and I’m intimidated by the process of picking a contractor. Before anyone suggests it, I did go to an informational class through the Duluth Energy Efficiency Program and submitted my information, but my house is already too efficient for me to have access to those resources.

I’m hoping someone here may have done this recently and has a recommendation for me.



about 13 years ago

Email me.  Lojasmo @

I know a local resource who can do anything from a simple consult, to a full installation.

Sarah | Duluth Energy Efficiency Program

about 13 years ago


While your house might be too efficient to qualify for DEEP rebates, DEEP is still a great resource for you.  We can connect you to other rebate, loan and incentive programs offered by other entities.  

We can also provide you with a list of insulation contractors in the community who are trained and certified to properly insulate homes.  

And... if your home doesn't have any insulation in the walls, I'd like to propose that we recalculate your 'Home Energy Score' and see if indeed your home is too efficient for our rebates.  I want to ensure that a simple math error on our part isn't keeping you from participating in the rebate portion of our program.

Please call us at 218.336.1038.

tom maloney

about 13 years ago

A quick shout-out to Sarah and the entire DEEP staff!  As I write, I'm taking a breather from installing two windows myself (recommended during Home Energy Audit).  I have my loan app into Comfort Systems and the boiler guys coming soon thereafter.  Thanks all!


about 13 years ago

Wow.  Just got off the phone with Ani at DEEP - she recalculated my score and I now qualify for rebates along with all of DEEP's other services.  Thanks, Sarah!


about 13 years ago

I love this board!


about 13 years ago

Also, if by chance you are low income, check out what AEOA (Arrowhead Economic Opportunity Agency) can do for you through their weatherization program. I was an energy auditor there for two years (recently laid off due to decreased funding). Anybody hiring displaced energy Auditors? Anyway, I digress. If you qualify they will insulate and weatherize your home for free. Worth checking!

Bad Cat!

about 13 years ago

I would recommend against JAK Insulation. We had them do spray insulation in our first-floor walls. During an interior remodeling project, we found that they only filled the walls about 30%-50%, and missed many areas (such as above windows and fire-breaks). When we contacted the company, they were only marginally interested in correcting the situation.

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