Sample Ballot for Duluth Primary Election on Tuesday, Sept. 13, 2011

Duluthians who live in the Fourth Council District, which includes parts of the West End, Piedmont Heights and Duluth Heights neighborhoods, will also vote on that council seat. The candidates are Jacqueline Halberg, Garry Krause, Ryan Miles, Wallace Newquist and Travis Silvers.

There will be more races in the General Election in November, but only one or two candidates filed for those offices, so they are not on the primary ballot. To see a complete list of candidates visit the “Duluth 2011 Election Candidate Filings” post.



about 14 years ago

I live in Superior so have no stake in this except to say it seems like Linda Krug would be a great choice.  When she was Dean of the College of Liberal Arts at UMD, a friend of mine thought she was a great boss and extremely sharp.


about 14 years ago

I agree with you, -Berv.  She's got my vote.  Her experience in management and leadership is far beyond the others and I've heard nothing but good things about her at UMD.


about 14 years ago

I know Linda Krug and she is indeed smart, articulate, and always very professional. She'll make an excellent city councilor.


about 14 years ago

Why would anyone take political advice from a guy who's name used to grace the bathroom wall at the Anchor no fewer than 20 times?

On second thought... You are probably a better source than anyone who actually works in politics.

Eric Edwardson has my vote as well, but only because I know what kind of person he is.


about 14 years ago

Which at-large seat(s) are open? Is someone besides Cuneo not running again? Is Anderson quitting to run for Congress?

Paul Lundgren

about 14 years ago

Yes, Jeff Anderson and Tony Cuneo are both not running for re-election. Those two of the four at-large seats are up for election. (Jim Stauber and Dan Hartman are the other two at-large councilors, and are up for re-election in 2013.) 

The candidates in this fall's at-large race are on the ballot above.

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