Duluth Dirt Spanker Classic


Adam S

about 14 years ago

It's a weekend of off road cycling shenanigans at Mont du Lac.  Saturdays events include:

8:30 Trailrunning race - fee is just COGGS donation of your choice
12 pm - Jolly Roger downhill race
3 pm - hill climb mountain bike comp - fee is just COGGS donation of your choice
5 pm - speed trials competition - fee is just COGGS donation of your choice

Sunday is the day for the races.  There are races for riders of all abilities, so feel free to come hang out at MDL and ride your bike.

Check www.coggs.com for more details.


about 14 years ago

Worst Poster Ever!  Whatever happened to the classic art stuff for that event, like the Eqyptian God or the Statue of Liberty or Michaelangelo's David, with the Cog-Piece?  Sorry, but this is very unimpressive.


about 14 years ago

whaddaya expect form a pack of hippies?

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