For the hardcore Homegrowners!

Well it’s over … and I’m sure we are all recovering. Let’s take a moment to reflect on what really kicked ass this year! Taking it day by day, let’s list our top two shows we saw on each day!

We will skip Sunday, new band night, cause well…



about 13 years ago

Let me start with Sunday cause well... it was great.  Aaron Gall and the collectively unconscious  were really entertaining and will sell some tickets at their next gig.

Monday- The poetry and music video shows were packed and overlapped in scheduling so you had to make a decision between the two.  I decided to do half and half.  Portage in the lobby during the photo show was perfect for the setting.

Tuesday-  Remote Viewfinder was rockin'.  The addition of a drummer and a vocalist was great and the belly dancing was a compliment to the music.  Healthy Band Music Club was not very experimental but did put on a good show as well.

Hash Wednesday- Fontanelles at the All-American Club, and Knifey at the Clyde were great.  Turtles killed it as usual and the crowd was as scenster as any Saturday night.

Thursday--  An awesome Sup-Town night.  Acceleratii and Manheat were both crazy shows, and the after party with the Snakes @ Narums was ridiculous.  I mean absolutely ridiculous.

Friday-- I was limited to one venue but Little Black Books packed 'em in and The Keep Aways made them all bang into each other for the entire set. 

Saturday-- same geographical limitations as Friday but Freddy and Retribution have my vote for that night.  American Rebels sounded better than ever and the late night Karaoke was a good way to wind down.

Sunday-- I caught Tim K @ Luce during brunch, lots of Mothers Day people there wondering what the hell he was playing, but I enjoyed it.

ok.... so now what?

Hot Shot

about 13 years ago

Sunday I played in both Damn That Swenson Band and Aaron Gall and the Likey Story so I was at Luce all night and had a blast. 

Monday I enjoyed the music videos best, followed closely by the killer ravioli at the Teatro Zuccone. 

Tuesday I only caught Total Freedom Rock and Shaunna Heckman, both of which killed. 

I skipped Wednesday since my beard wasn't grown in enough. 

Thursday I'd say Hattie and Her Man Band and Manheat take the cake. Some claim I violated Old Knifey in the cage at the Main...that's true. 

Friday I helped Bradical Boombox scare everyone after playing with Phil Jents. Brad is the bomb so I'm assuming it sounded great from out front.  My two favorites from Friday that I didn't perform with would be the Little Black Books (Mowhawks mosh pit!) and then the Tisdales burned Roscoe's to the ground. 

Saturday: Kickball. No better performance.


about 13 years ago

I was working the door at Roscoe's Pioneer Bar. It was pretty damned packed, and the man at the door was very happy things were going over so well ... props to that.

The three or four songs I caught with my volunteer buddy @ Sacred Heart were pretty amazing, too. Really hated to have to leave.

Wishing that I could have caught more, but 5 a.m. comes a little too early when you're out til 1. Guess next year I'll have to take a vacation.

Dj mouse

about 13 years ago

Sweetness! Later will be Greater!


about 13 years ago

Coal Car Caboose blew out an amp and kept on going.

Southwire was pretty great, but Lake Ave is too small for them and people are too damn chatty

I liked Excuse Me Princess, think they need a little more variety, but the kids totally rocked it.

The Undesirables where nice and loud cow punk 

Tried to go enjoy Tangiers-57 but the room was waaaaaay too small. As swank as the Red Star is T-57 needs to be bumped up to a bigger venue for HG

Matt Ray and Those Damn Horses,  A+

As usual, Little Black Books where good as well


about 13 years ago

I played with Zeppelin at the Main, which sucked. After that, my gig with Crosby and Nash (no Young) and the the cadaver Stills at Looch was frickin awful...nothin' but farts and bad guitar solos. 

I missed my drum assignment with Little Eyed Black Snake Books because I was looking in the mirror at my peach fuzz, so that was lame.

Prolly my fave band all week was at Bev's (mighta been Berv's) called Law. Super slo-mo chef-rock headed by Ramsay the Shay-reef: killed it!!!

Overall, I was seen more than I saw, which was the whole point.


about 13 years ago

Sunday: The Horror and whoever played after Damn That Swenson Band. Bad jokes that are good and because it wasn't that band anymore.

Monday: Cancer Romancer and... Laphoraig single malts. Rafter is a poet, a man with a can and a plan.

Tuesday: Unnur  and Total Freedom Rock. I have a thing for Iceland girls and tiny faces. 

Wednesday: This was my "force yourself to take it easy night by being the driver." By default Hobo Nephews, the only band I saw, and being double bridged getting off the Point for an hour before the show.

Thursday: House of Donuts, yes! and the MOon is Down. Blown away by the h.o.d. Amazing guitar. The gorilla in the cage, bad jokes that are good. 

Friday: Low because I listened from the organ bench in the balcony which was t i g h t and maybe The Little Black Books because I saw a photo on Flicker which made me remember being there. This night is fuzz.  

Saturday: Sexhawk and Puddle of Wonderful. I don't know which band threw out the pinata, but within its contents were a pack of Donruss 1989 baseball cards. Goldmine. Kirby Puckett, Kent Hrbek, Daryl Strawberry, George Brett, Don Mattingly,  Rick Sutliffe, Bruce Sutter. Thank you.

Sunday: Abe Curran. I was out golfing and only caught the last few songs of his set, it was great, and success making it every day of homegrown.

The Friendly Old Knifey

about 13 years ago

Sunday - Birth of the $lizzard. New band night was great all around.
Monday - Sarah Krueger killed it at Carmody. Amazing set.
Tuesday - Great set by Healthy Band Music Club. Remote Viewfinder definitely kept me interested. Yester had great potential, but sound issues really made it difficult to determine the actual quality.
Wednesday - I'm totally biased here. I thoroughly enjoyed playing on stage at the Clyde. I also rather enjoyed the music at my pre-party, but technically that shouldn't count.
Thursday - Trampled by Manwurst. Manheat really proved why they deserved to be our representative on the Current last week. Pre-and-after-parties at the Narum household were tons of fun.
Friday - Tisdales at the Pioneer and the Keep Aways at Luce. I had a lot of fun after making it to Luce.
Saturday - Kickball. Though we lost, Saturday really made a valiant effort. It's a rebuilding year. The Fontanelles saved the day for me on Saturday. I was pretty much dead to the world by 5 PM. Ten minutes into their set, I was back and ready to face the rest of the night.
Sunday - Rather enjoyed Eric Rhame's Timber and Steel at Luce. Abe Curran at Sacred Heart was a nice way to end the week.

Overall Top 5 (Chronological Order)
1. Sarah Krueger
2. Playing at the Clyde
3. Manheat
4. The Keep Aways
5. The Fontanelles


about 13 years ago

Overall, almost everyone brought their A game to HG13.  My personal faves:

1. Low (Best Low show I've ever seen; totally awesome seeing some of the songs from the new record performed live in the place of "birth")

2. American Rebels (Fist-pumpingly awesome)

3. Retribution Gospel Choir (And the hits just kept comin'...)

4. Southwire (My intense zeal for this band was in full force during this show when I begged them for an encore.  Yeah, I was THAT guy...)

5. Little Black Books (One of those bands that make you glad to be alive... or make you FEEL alive... one of the two...)


about 13 years ago

As someone who was out a whole lot working for the festival & observing the madness rather than participating, my first head nod would go to this years' awesome volunteers. I was barely able to get into Beaners one night. Me! GLENN MALONEY!!

Next, The Fontanelles had the best single set of hg. Seriously, Dave Mehling takes dumps more talented then me. (but not as charming.)

My other favorite thing was continually running into all of my favorite people. Love you Duluth musicers. 

Also, raining coozies onto everyone during RGC. PERFECT.


about 13 years ago

"4. Southwire (My intense zeal for this band was in full force during this show when I begged them for an encore. Yeah, I was THAT guy...)"

Thank you for being that guy, because I was really, really, very, very happy that they played that very last song (and they needed convincing).

The Friendly Old Knifey

about 13 years ago

I am bummed that I missed Those Damn Horses.


about 13 years ago

A few standouts for me:

The Rosebud Social on Friday night at Carmody were excellent (a band new to me) and I loved their cover of the Replacements tune "The Ledge."

I thought Two Many Banjos kicked ass with all those great players together, but I have a beard so apparently I'm pre-determined to like this stuff.

Tuesday night at the Twins was just a great time all around.  Cheers to Yester for maintaining their composure as half the bar cheered for Liriano and his no-hitter (!) during their set.

Fred Tyson puts a big smile on my face.  As do the Tysonettes.

My roomie said the highlight for her was the 80s cover band in the bar at Luce on Sat about 5 (I forget what they call themselves).  I missed it unfortunately due to recharging time.

And for a guy who has been out of Duluth for many years, I thought the Clyde on Wednesday was fu&*ing awesome.


about 13 years ago

What a great seven-day holiday.


about 13 years ago

@Need-Sexhawk threw out the free junk.  The Dollar Store at Burning Tree Plaza has a whole selection of those cards for a buck/pack.  Still waiting to hear if anyone used the 20+ pregnancy tests.

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