Laura MacArthur Elementary School A/V Cadets, 1979 to 1984

1979SeanBigler 1980BrownBunkersElsmore 1881RousJakubekGannucciDoherty 1982Hennes 1983PuglisiNetzel 1984VaydichPfisterMahle

Do the kids pose with Blu-ray players these days?

For those of you without a roster: Sean Bigler (1979); Tony Brown, Tom Bunkers and Steve Elsmore (1980); Scott Rous, Dominic Jakubek, Jim Gannucci and Patric Doherty (1981); Richie Hennes (1982); Patti Puglisi and Amber Netzel (1983); Chris Vaydich, Matt Pfister and Jason Mahle (1984).



about 14 years ago

I'm glad that I know the power of a reel to reel educational movie. I was probably on the tail end of being able to see movies this way since I was in elementary school in the early 90s, but I am happy to know that I experienced such things. However I am sad that there are some that have never and will never know the soothing sounds of the clacking projector sending you off to dreamland while a boring monotone scientist explains the mating calls of the american toad or the types of leaves you would find on a mountain ash or quaking aspen. (OMG. Do they even use overhead projectors anymore?)

Sgt. Happy

about 14 years ago

I can name two of those kids and recognize at least three others from days long past.


about 14 years ago

I <3 AV cadets!!!!


about 14 years ago

1. Yes, teachers still use overheads. They are, however, dinosaurs. (The teachers, not the overheads.)

2. As far as I can tell, there are no longer AV cadets of any kind, except for the geek student in each class that's begged for assistance by the teacher who can't figure out how to find the right channel so the VCR works.

3. Yes, VCRs are still popular, but usually each classroom has its own. What would they do with the millions of painful 80s ed-videos like Manners and You. 

4. In confess, they're usually combination VCR and DVD players.

5. Any teacher who goes through a course can get a free Smartboard in her classroom, which connects to the internet. I personally can't understand why it isn't required. 

6. I miss film strips. BEEP


about 14 years ago

(*I confess)

I was one of the last generation of teachers who was required to learn how to splice film and cassette tape. I have never had to use that skill. Not once.

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