Are you a biking fanatic? Share your photos.

Do you and your bike share an unhealthy love? Lake Voice News wants to know about it!

Please post or email jawa0007 @ a photo of your bicycle. Tell us your name, your bike’s name, how long the two of you have been together, and any stories or anything else you feel we should know about your bike!

All help is appreciated!


Paul Lundgren

about 14 years ago

This is not exactly what was asked for, but here are three questions that struck me while bicycling on the Munger Trail today.

1) Why is the Minnesota DNR engaged in pro-dog propaganda?

(Answer: Obviously the sign is supposed to say "Keep dogs leashed" and some joker messed with it.)

2) What is the best way to lose control of your bike and ride off the trail down into Hemlock Ravine?

(Answer: Instead of watching where you're going, scan the tops of trees to see if there's any porcupines hanging out.)

3) Why is there a sign one mile out of Duluth that says "Duluth 6 miles."

(Answer: Who knows? If it said "Grand Avenue 6 miles" or "Tappa Keg 7 miles" it would be accurate, but ... well, whatever. Maybe I'm a stickler for details.)

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Duluth home-movie footage from 1938

httpv:// This 8mm home-movie depicts a 1938 fishing trip to Duluth. httpv://
