It’s going to be all my fault

I’m thinking of taking my grill out of the garage today. Expect a blizzard this weekend. Sorry.

I’m also taking the plastic off my windows. So there should be at least three feet of snow on the ground by Easter morning.



about 14 years ago

Damn you, Paul. I was going to take the plastic off my windows, too...but I think I'd better wait now. I guess I'd better get the shovel team back out as well. Egads!!!!


about 14 years ago

Oh, don't worry about it, I just packed away the kids winter boots so I was expecting an ice storm for Easter weekend, anyway.


about 14 years ago

No worries, Paul, we've been grilling for a few weeks.


about 14 years ago

Ha!  we defiantly ripped the plastic off 10 days ago (on the first day of spring), but thanks for the warning.

Paul Lundgren

about 14 years ago

I wrote that post around 1 p.m. It was super hot and sunny out. I put shorts on.

As of 2 p.m., the temperature is already dropping and the skies are completely clouded over. And I haven't even taken the grill out yet. Is it too late to reverse this fortune?

Terry G.

about 14 years ago

Paul, I think we're safe. I don't have any long driving trips so we are definitely not going to have snow or ice.

Dave Sorensen

about 14 years ago

If I can figure out how to insert an image into a comment, this will be a photo from last April. If not, please excuse me.


about 14 years ago



Dave Sorensen

about 14 years ago

I guess my photo was from the April '08 blizzard anyhow.

Bad Cat!

about 14 years ago

I've experienced enough Duluth "springs" to know that just when you think the snow is gone and put your shovels away, winter has to come back for a final attack. Despite the fact that it's been beautiful and there hasn't been a sign of snow in the last six weeks, I still have my Sorel boots sitting in the front halloway.


about 14 years ago

Grill, baby, grill.


about 14 years ago

When I turned off the heat earlier today, just moments after I flung open the windows for the first time this year, the small family of snowboots who live by my front door gave me a dirty look.


about 14 years ago

Grill, yes! Plastic off windows, no!

AT least that's the tactic I'm taking. Jebus, it was something like 25 degrees warmer than usual today. No way that's going to hold.


about 14 years ago

Lit the coals twice already, Buson = yummy. removed plastic from 3 windows in strategic locations to assist in airing out the building. With screen doors in place this is ideal. Took the storm windows off the bedroom. There should be censorship of blizzard photos when Gulf air blesses us.


about 14 years ago

If anyone wants it to rain, let me know and I'll wash my car.

Beverly Godfrey

about 14 years ago

I took the plastic off the windows. Couldn't help it.


about 14 years ago

We took the plastic off our windows weeks ago. But it was all saggy and not sticking anymore, so I don't think it mattered much.

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