Colder gets older

Colder by the Lake‘s “Older by the Lake,” a comedy about aging, opens this Thursday night at Teatro Zuccone.

In the pic: Cathy Podeszwa, John Schmidt, Christa Schulz, Jack Setterlund and Gary Kruchowski. They guarantee the show will be “more fun than a barrel of reading glasses.”

This post is being published early on Sunday morning for a reason. The first person to write a comment on this wins two tickets to the opening night show (Thursday, March 11, 7:30 p.m.). It’s a reward for being up early on a Sunday and reading about oldness.

Oh, and don’t worry, the playbill is in large print.


The Phantom of the NorShor

about 15 years ago

I'll take the tunnel under superior street to get there ... muahhahaha no one will see me enter or leave!


about 15 years ago

BTW -- give the tickets to the next comment.

Paul Lundgren

about 15 years ago

Sounds like Baci punts and Zra wins. Congratulations on being the ol... er... most mature bloggers on PDD!


about 15 years ago

If by "mature" you mean "crotchety curmudgeonly crabby opinionated pain in the ass," I accept.


about 15 years ago

Pass me my Geritol.


about 15 years ago

I hope the actors EMOTE so I don't have to turn up my hearing aids!

Barrett Chase

about 15 years ago

A few years ago, I was in Glengarry Glen Ross at Renegade with two of the guys in this play (John Schmidt and Jack Setterlund). In one scene, John and I were sitting literally two feet from the audience, with a wall directly behind us (it was the Chinese restaurant scene, and the stage was the depth of a small table). An elderly woman in the front row talked throughout our scene at FULL VOLUME about how she forgot her hearing aids, she couldn't hear us, she wished we were using microphones, and she didn't approve of our foul language. 

It was awesome.


about 15 years ago

Barrett, I am so afraid of being that elderly and deaf woman someday.

Duluth Daily Photo

about 15 years ago

Calk, Just don't talk at public performances and you'll be okay.

What is it with people talking at movies, plays and lectures these days.


about 15 years ago

I hope everyone goes and sees Older by the Lake, it's funny as hell, and if you're not old enough to relate to memory loss and all that shit that does with aging, you will definitely relate to interactions between parents and their adult children. The car trip to Blackwoods Proctor sequences hit home for me, b/c my FIL has become the world's worst driver. Actually, he always was, it has nothing to do with age.

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