Duluth 2009 General Election Results

These are the final numbers.

Still no mandate on the school district’s long-range facilities plan. Half of the opponents of the plan were elected, and half were not. Jim Stauber is the comeback kid in the at-large city council race.

Duluth Second District City Councilor
Patrick Boyle – 2,543 | 78%
Rob Wagner – 668 | 21%

Duluth Fourth District City Councilor
Kerry Gauthier – 1,932 | 52%
Gordon Grant – 1,779 | 48%

Duluth At-large City Councilor
Top two candidates are elected
Dan Hartman – 9,322 | 26%
James Stauber – 9,045 | 25%
Beth Olson – 8,851 | 25%
Becky Hall – 8,256 | 23%

Question 1: Amending the city charter so the mayor can appoint a communications and policy officer and a community relations officer.
Yes – 10,797 | 59%
No – 7,431 | 41%

Question 2: Amending the city charter so city employees are not required to take a leave of absence from city employment to run for any political office, except city offices or Duluth’s board of education.
No – 9,069 | 50.07%
Yes – 9,044 | 49.93%

Duluth District One School Board
Ann Wasson – 2,925 | 54%
Marcia Stromgren – 2,513 | 46%

Duluth District Four School Board
Art Johnston – 1,972 | 53%
Laura Condon – 1,770 | 47%

Duluth At-large School Board
Top two candidates are elected
Tom Kasper – 11,757 | 32%
Mary Cameron – 8,960 | 24%
Nancy Nilsen – 8,308 | 22%
Maureen Booth – 7,975 | 21%



about 15 years ago

we had ~41% turnout in precinct 6 fwiw


about 15 years ago

Wow, that was one tight race. Stauber does always seem like the Comeback Kid, winning these narrow victories. He barely squeaked through last time against Timothy Bearheart and it was even an even more narrow margin of victory over Beth Olson, who ran a *great* campaign, especially considering it was her first venture and the crap the DNT threw at her.

Congratulations to Dan Hartman and Kerry Gauthier, besides my new councilor, Patrick Boyle! Whoot whoot!


about 15 years ago

some d-noz is posing as me on the DCB.


about 15 years ago

C-Freak, it happens to me all the time on the DCB. They seem to think making up comments and putting other people's names on them is going to really help their preferred candidates win elections. Yeah, right. That's why their preferred candidates all lost.


about 15 years ago

Stauber lives in precinct 6 where I live and do election judging, so I see him from time to time. I disagree pretty strongly with his political slant, but I will say he seems pretty quiet and and ok in person. He didn't vote till fairly late last night and until he came in I was wryly thinking hey... what if he loses by one vote? turns out it wasn't quite as close as that. Rather have Stauber than Hall I guess.


about 15 years ago

my dog likes to shit in Stauber's yard.* we're in accord in that opinion. 

*yeah, i pick it up. but only because i'm nice like that.


about 15 years ago

Thanks for the update, Paul.


about 15 years ago

I've gotten to know Mr. Stauber over the past few years, and while we don't agree on most things, I've found him to really want to do the right thing by Duluth. I think he's actually mellowed out over the years, I actually enjoyed talking with him a few weeks ago. Having said that, his comment in today's paper about those "radical" candidates made me laugh. He doesn't know radical.


about 15 years ago

The way Beth Olsen was treated has made me feel pretty uneasy about my adopted home.
I am working on a film about lesbians and how they are systematically made invisible by the larger society, even including gay men (example: Milk movie).  Maybe if I can overcome my natural sedentary-ness, the thing will get legs.
My heart goes out to Beth.


about 15 years ago

I agree with you there, Carla, though I don't think Beth lost that many votes due to bigotry, I really think the Red Plan brought out a lot of anti-tax people who then voted for Stauber. And both Stauber supporters and Olson supporters voted secondly for Hartman, which made him the front-runner. He was the consensus candidate.

It does bother me, however, and I think it's a sad commentary on our local newspaper and local radio programs, that anonymous bloggers would post information about Beth Olson's private life all over the Internet, and that the DNT and the right-wing radio hosts would then enable this kind of misogny and homophobia by obsessing themselves on Ms. Olson's past and her previous relationships. 

I've never seen any candidate for any other public office in Duluth be subjected to this kind of inappropriate scrutiny. And it was wrong for the mainstream media to focus on it. But, then seeing how increasingly tabloid-like the DNT has become, it shouldn't come as much of a surprise.


about 15 years ago

I don't disagree Carla and share much of Calk's sentiments on this issue, I will note parenthetically however, despite all of that she came pretty darned close to beating out the long term incumbent in the final total.


about 15 years ago

I spent about 5 whole minutes trying to find this information somewhere on the web.  All the television sites no longer have them posted and DNT wants a few $ a month even for online access even though I'm a weekend subscriber.

I guess PDD is my new local, reliable news source.


about 15 years ago


Our wonderful Secretary of State, Mark Ritchie, makes sure election results are posted to the SoS website.



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