October 2009 Posts

Dia De Los Muertos Art

There is an immediate call for “Day of the Dead” themed art! Please drop off your artwork to Bohemia Arts by October 31st. To be accepted artwork must simply be relevant to the theme, any cultural/individual representation is welcome, all media will be considered, all ages/abilities encouraged, and you may enter as many artworks as you choose. Professional work may be listed for sale, please request upon submission.

For more info please call or stop by!

Bohemia Arts Fine Art Supplies & Studio

22 N 1st Ave W downtown Duluth ~ 722.2919

Duluth Does Woodstock New Showtime

woodstock_poster_sm v2

Due to the extreme psychedelic aura surrounding this show the showtime has been changed to Thursday Oct 8 7:30 pm, doors at 7 pm.

Advance tickets available online or at the Electric Fetus through tomorrow at $10 or $12 at the door.

Sponsored by Pizza Luce, Carmody Irish Pub, Paper Hog and The Transistor.

Hear your local faves cover Santana, Janis, The Dead, The Band and many more.

Sorry, still no Sha Na Na.

Twin Vs Tigers Live Stream Online – Tie Breaker Game

Twin vs Tigers  – One game tie breaker game on TBS.

So if you do not have TBS here you go:

UPDATE: New streamhttp://isportslink.blogspot.com/2009/10/detroit-tigers-v-minnesota-twins.html

Twins vs Tigers

Twins vs Tigers

Halloween at Carmody

Halloween Poster2 copy

With Tangier 57 and Kathy McTavish

Same-sex marriage rally in Duluth Oct. 11

On Sunday, Oct. 11 hundreds of thousands of supporters of equal rights and same-sex marriage will be marching on Washington D.C.


For those in the Northland who can’t make it D.C. for this historic event, we’re going to be holding a solidarity protest here in Duluth. The protest will begin at noon, and will be held at the MN Power Plaza at the corner of Lake Ave. & Superior Street.

The plan is a simple one – we’ll be holding signs and handing out fliers to pedestrians. There will be a brief rally featuring several local activists as speakers. We also plan on having an open mic after wards for anyone else who wants to share some words.

We’ll have a few extra signs on hand, but if you can please bring your own – and be sure to bring a friend!

If you would like more info you can contact Adam Ritscher at [email protected]

“…And on the 7th Day, God Rocked” on Netflix


Beginning today, the 4-Track Films mockumentary “…And on the 7th Day, God Rocked” is available on Netflix, for any homebodies or expatriates who didn’t get a chance to see it at any of the local screenings or on a purchased DVD. The movie about a Christian battle of the bands was shot in Duluth and features a lot of local talent.

I’ve seen it. You should put it in your queue. It’s funny.

DNT On the national news

The DNT made national news with their multi-colored Vikings and Packers editions.

Visit msnbc.com for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy

Kill the Skunk! – Plus open ranting in the comments about experiences at the West Duluth Kmart

Last night I walked past a house that reeked of a fetid oil recently sprayed from the anus of a West Duluth skunk.

Two kids, who looked to be about 11 years old, were walking the sidewalk toward the odiferous house as I was walking away. They seemed to know that something was going on. Another kid, maybe two years younger, came from across the street and shouted, “Did they kill the skunk yet?”

“No, but they’re about to,” one of the other kids answered.

“Awesome!” the younger kid yelled with great enthusiasm, running over to join them.

I continued on my way, as I often do in these situations, only to wonder later why I didn’t hang around for the full story. It seems that, at some point in my life, getting to Kmart became more important than witnessing an execution.

Herb Brooks “Miracle on Ice” speech reenacted by 4 year old

Here is a great speech reenactment of Herb Brooks “Miracle on Ice” speech by 4 year old Rizzo.

Tracks from Cars & Trucks ‘Mere Mortals’ posted on the interwebs

We posted a song from our new album ‘Mere Mortals’ on our MySpace, Tumblr and Facebook pages.

We’ll be posting new songs on October 8 and 13 as well.

Please listen. We’d like that.

Silent film, loud score

So this fellow Ben Christensen was fairly obsessed with a book titled Malleus Maleficarum, written in the 15th century, it was a guide for those doing the holiest of holy work, witch hunting. He proceeded to make one of the spookiest pictures of all time and break the bank while doing so. The film is from 1922 and Tim Kaiser will be performing an original score for the picture. We will be showing the truncated version that was cut in the sixties as there are no 35mm prints of the uncut version available to us in the US. Tickets are 10 bux and available here

More Vintage Photos of Duluth

Duluth Incline Circa 1905

I’m not sure if we’ve ever discussed photos from this site on PDD before, but the vintage photography blog Shorpy just posted some new old shots of Duluth from 1905. There are a few more Duluth photos back in the archives as well, which I dug out for you. Check ’em out:

Red, White and Bruised – Harbor City Rollerdames

Harbor City Rollerdames video courtesy the Dusu.

Joy Harjo is coming to Duluth

Joy Harjo, who just last night won best female artist of the year at the Native American Music Awards, is coming to read in Duluth next Saturday, Oct. 10, at the College of St. Scholastica. She’ll be here reading for the Spirit Lake Poetry Series. It’s free! 7:30 pm, Somers Lounge. You can explore her work at www.joyharjo.com.

Anti-War Vigil on October 5


October marks 8 years since the invasion of Afghanistan. 8 years of air strikes and rising death tolls; 8 years of waiting for reconstruction and economic development assistance; 8 years and more than $200 billion of US tax dollars squandered on armed conflict.