Duluth 2009 General Election Sample Ballot

You’ll probably be surprised to discover there are two questions on the Nov. 3 ballot regarding amendments to the City Charter. There’s nothing highly sexy about the questions, so there hasn’t been much reporting about them. Read the questions and you’ll pretty much get the gist.

Another note: There are more races going on than the ballot image above indicates. What will be on your ballot depends on what precinct you vote in.

A complete and more legible list of candidates can be found here. PDD presents this ballot image because, well, some of us are visual learners.


Todd Gremmels

about 15 years ago

Thanks for the update Paul.


about 15 years ago

People, please vote!!


about 15 years ago

now, no lizard people this time please... focus people, focus. 

but seriously, 
I'll be working the Upper Woodland district polling station hope to see a good turn out. Usually these off-off year elections are pretty slow. Next year we at least get to elect a new Governor as Pawlenty takes off to gear up for his GOP nomination run

Todd Gremmels

about 15 years ago

I hope Palenty gets the nomination, because if he does I am going to put a big sign in my yard with a picture of the I35 bridge collapse and have copy that reads "Look what he did for our state with cut backs -imagine what he will do with the USA"

Palenty for Prez NOT!!!!!


Todd Gremmels

about 15 years ago

Vote - dam you people vote!!!



about 15 years ago

Edgeways, even though it's an off year, I think there'll be a heavy voter turnout b/c of the Red Plan. But I may be wrong. It'll be interesting to see what turnout is like.


about 15 years ago

I will vote NO on both resolutions.

1) The city laid off 126 people not two years ago, and is still in financial dire straights. The last thing we need as taxpayers is to pay 2 (!) more PR people to tell us why the Mayor closing libraries is a good idea.

2)Why should we make city employees lose their jobs in order to serve as a County Commissioner or State Representative? This just cuts down the pool of Duluthians from which we could choose to democratically represent us (despite my lack of faith in our election system, I do defend the right of working people to run for office if they so choose).

Paul Lundgren

about 15 years ago

Rediguana, if a city employee were elected to serve as a county commissioner or state representative, it would require that person to leave the city position because those elected offices are full-time jobs with full-time pay.

I think what you are trying to say is that it shouldn't be required that city employees take a leave of absence from their jobs in order to run for those offices.

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