ECO Store Grand Opening Wednesday

Come, Celebrate Grand Opening on Earth Day!



about 15 years ago

Calk is really testing the promotion policy! I don't have any particular opinion on the matter, but three consecutive promotional posts! Damn!


about 15 years ago

Every single one of my posts is 100% relevant and of interest to PDDers, Vicarious. I actually posted two of them for other people: Lilly's Purple Plastic Purse was posted for an 11-year-old in the production who's afraid no one will show up, because she worries about things like that, and the Eco post was done at the request of Eco's owner, and my friend, who wants all the cool people in town to come to her store's grand opening. OK, no more postings from me this week. . . . I have to go down to the Cities!


about 15 years ago

Like I said, I don't have any particular opinion on the matter. Just observing, and enjoying the evolution of the debate/policy. 

22 of the previous 25 posts on PDD have been promotional in essence. I wonder what's happened to the interesting and creative posts that used to fill this space. Maybe people have found newer outlets for such things. Maybe we've run out of ideas. I don't know. It just seems like PDD has essentially become a promotional posting board. That's fine, but it ain't what it used to be.


about 15 years ago

"OK, no more postings from me this week. . . . I have to go down to the Cities!"

There's no internet in the Cities?

Paul Lundgren

about 15 years ago

Nothing is what it used to be. PDD has always had these promotional posts. There are more of them now because there are more people reading and posting. Simple as that.

If a policy has to be created about hijacking posts with comments about whether the post is relevant, then we'll really be in trouble.


about 15 years ago

Danny, I'm not one of those idiots who works on my laptop or calls people on my cell phone while I'm driving. And I have to scope out all those bars that were mentioned when someone was asking about a good bar to hit in the Twin Cities. You think I'm going to Twitter you while I am checking out the TC bar scene -- unh unh.

Vicarious -- if you are craving some creativity, instead of jumping on me for posting about three *different* happenings going on *this week,* which is not a violation of PDD's policies, why don't you provide some provocative thoughts about books or the state of publishing in response to my first posting? Or why don't you post something interesting and creative yourself? PDD is only as good as its members make it, remember. And I sure hope you make it to Lilly's Purple Plastic Purse! Kevin Kling adapted it for the stage, and he is as funny as David Sedaris.

vicarious the Hijacker

about 15 years ago

Jesus H. Kadoodle. I tried to explain that I wasn't "jumping on you" or anybody else. I was just observing reality, in the context of the current discussions about PDD's promotions policy. Calk, you DO offer intelligent, interesting and informed comments here...sorry if I offended you. But I do feel you are being a little over-sensitive here. 

I do try to offer interesting, creative posts here, but not as often as in the past. Maybe I'm dried up!  

Paul, it's not that simple. The ratio of promotional-to-non promotional posts is way up from in the past. I realize there have always been promotional posts here, but the proportion has become way more extreme. (Ex: the 22 of 25 previous posts). The record speaks for itself. 

If discussing issues related to posts, relating to policies, relating to comments causes one to labeled a "hijacker", then we'll really be in trouble.

Paul Lundgren

about 15 years ago

We are in so much trouble.


about 15 years ago

Does this mean no one's going to go to 1. my panel discussion in the Cities; or 2. Lilly's Purple Plastic Purse at the Playhouse; or 3. Eco's grand opening celebration? I am in so much trouble.

Tim K

about 15 years ago

I think the copious amounts of promotional posts demonstrates just how creative we are in this community. Go to Fargo or Red Wing or wherever and try to find this much stuff being generated by the community. Events posted on PDD generally appear with more lead time and a lot more depth than the DNT as well! This IS the forum (pun intended) for events AND discussions!


about 15 years ago

Yeah, in my obsession-of-the-hour, I was looking at the spate of recent promo posts, and they are almost all promoting very cool, very creative things, indeed. I do appreciate the fact that PDD is a clearinghouse for such events. 

Sometimes I just wish there were more random, silly, weird, dumb, scary, hilarious, odd, beautiful, random, random, and random posts inbetween the promos. I pledge to up the ante in the random post category.


about 15 years ago

Vicarious, I promise my next promo will be weird, dumb, and/or hilarious. And I do agree with Tim K -- this town ROCKS when it comes to cool things going on! I wish I could clone myself sometimes and go to everything.


about 15 years ago

"I'm not one of those idiots who works on my laptop"

So, you consider commenting on PDD to be "work"?


about 15 years ago

Uh oh. My secret is out.


about 15 years ago

I agree that the postings that promote events or even businesses are very interesting and creative.  And, if we didn't learn of them here on PPD, many of us would never know about these things, since there is no local media outlet that keeps up on things going on as well as the PPD community.  Thanks to all for taking time to get the word out!

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