Listen to Final Edition this Friday, March 13 to hear a discussion with Mike Simonson about the current state of blogging and journalism.

Barrett Chase of Perfect Duluth Day (that’s me!)
Beth Jett of Fox 21 (their website launched today)
Aaron Brown of Minnesota Brown (who also teaches journalism at Hibbing Community College)

KUWS 91.3 FM
Friday, March 13



about 15 years ago

OMG I just read Aaron Brown's collection of essays about life on the Iron Range, way cool. Should be good, thanks for the heads up.


about 15 years ago

I think you're missing somebody, Simonson.

Mike Simonson

about 15 years ago

My fault.  We will do it again.  It was interesting talk, especially for this dinosaur.  Although I did teach everyone about "Barking Moondogs".


about 15 years ago

Yippee.  I only wish I could actually listen.   love Inside Edition but sometimes the time and day are a little challenging for me.  

While you are there, ask Beth J why she does so many animal stories.  She really is a top notch reporter, you know.  But to see and read her stuff you'd think she might be one of those  animal collectors who walk around smelling like cat-pea and collecting "bones for dogs" from the kitchen every time she eats out.


about 15 years ago

whoops, sorry I mean "Final Edition" lol.  Could do without inside edition, after all.


about 15 years ago

Mike S, you really should do a show with a citizen journalist like John Ramos, he's an amazing muckraker, who's really done a bang up job informing the community of the true costs of the Fish Tank. Plus, his stories about his adventures driving a cab are riveting. Even though JR is sadly missing from the lineup, this should be a great show.


about 15 years ago

If you are outside of the area or if you aren't near a radio, you can stream KUWS on kuws.fm. (Easier yet, here's the stream.)

Otherwise, if the time doesn't work out for you, Final Edition is archived on kuws.fm as well. It takes a few days for the shows to go up, so if you miss it, check back next week.

We already recorded the show, so I can't ask your question, JP. Nonetheless, Beth Jett did talk about her love of animals anyway so I guess it all worked out.

Paul Lundgren

about 15 years ago

I'm pretty sure Ramos has been on "Final Edition" in the past. Not that he doesn't deserve to be on again. I'm just pointing out that I don't think he's been totally snubbed.

Of course, if I'm remembering an appearance of Ramos on the old Duke Skorich show and thinking it was a "Final Edition" appearance, I'll quietly slink out of this comment thread in shame and humiliation.


about 15 years ago

After the show I got into an email discussion with John Munson about the deficiencies of the KUWS website and how it could be improved.  I called it "clunky" and he asked if I could be more specific, so I was.

I said...

1. You are using frames, but the top frame has the scrollbar showing to the right, and it isn't even necessary.  If you are going to keep frames, that frame should be made larger to accommodate the content properly.

2. The sidebar is good in that it has the things set out in a nice way, but to spiff it up you could make the links into buttons and create a more customized feel for the site, using your fonts.

3. And this is the big one, the main content in the main frame isn't readable!  You have to scroll left and right to read it.  This is a basic formatting problem.

4. From a design perspective, it's not very engaging.  You have a very basic background with very basic script.  

If anyone has some further suggestions, send 'em his way or post 'em here and I'll send 'em to him.


about 15 years ago

How about "welcome to the internets and 1998?"

Mike Simonson

about 15 years ago

That's about when it went up, '98.  At the time it was pretty hot stuff, even in green and purple.

Mike Simonson

about 15 years ago

And what the hell is that picture of Jabba the Hut doing next to my post?

Paul Lundgren

about 15 years ago

That Jabba-the-Hut looking thing is a default Gravatar. Anyone who hasn't uploaded a photo to use as their personal Gravatar is represented with a goofy blue guy.

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