Nightlife Suggestions Downtown Minneapolis


I am going to a show at the State Theater on Friday March 13. The show will be done around 10-10:30 pm, I would guess. We would want to head out afterwards for a drink or two. I haven’t been downtown in years, so I’m completely out of the loop. Our group are all in our mid-30’s. So we’re not really looking for the “hot” dance club where all the idiot 21-25 year olds hang out. We’d probably like to stay in the general vicinity of Target Center area since that’s where the Theater and our hotel is located. Live music is cool, but not a deal breaker. Anyone have any suggestions?



about 15 years ago

My favorite place is Azia.  Sake and appitizers are 1/2 price after 10pm.  It's not *right* by the Target Center/downtown, but it's not far out.  You might also check out The Local or Brits, or if you're into good live jazz The Times is excellent.  One more: right in the downtown area there is Shout House - the dueling piano bar.


about 15 years ago

I totally, totally love Brit's Pub! It's such a friendly place. There's also a new Mexican place called The Barrio, that recently opened 900 Nicollet Mall or thereabouts, it's supposed to be "the" bar to go to, great food and mixed drinks, I was just reading a review of it in Minnesota Monthly that made me want to go there. I'll see if I can find more information on it and post a link.


about 15 years ago

Just looked for more information, Barrio is at 925 nicollet mall and bills itself as a tequila bar. If you check it out, let us know about it, the reviewer in the Minny monthly magazine simply raved about it!


about 15 years ago

Barrio is certainly "the" place to be right now. A lot of fun and the best selection of tequila you could ever ask for, also cheap, delicious late night food. Brit's pub is great, as is the Local. Dakota Jazz is right across the way as well. You'll have no problem finding fun places to go, though they're pricey. 

Don't read Minnisota Monthly, read Mpls.St.Paul magazine.


about 15 years ago

Since many of you seem to be a wealth of information, I'll ask for more.  What about a place to eat before the show?  Our hotel is on the corner of Lasalle and 11th, State Theater is on the corner of Hennepin and 9th.  Preferably we would probably try and avoid cabs and eat somewhere in the area.  Azia's menu looked incredible but it is a bit out of the way.  Anyone know of anything in that general vicinity?


about 15 years ago

Any of those places would be good to eat at too. Zelo is one of my favorites downtown (right next to the Local and Barrio). King and I Thai is really good too and on LaSalle.


about 15 years ago

Nick & Eddies or Cafe Lurcat right off of Loring Park are great too. You'd have to allow for time to walk but it's a lovely place to stroll.

ben boylan

about 15 years ago

Solera is on 9th and Hennepin. Spanish modern. Tapas.

Bad Cat!

about 15 years ago

There's an incredible little Irish pub right next to the Target Center (on a corner kinda between the Target Center and First Ave).


about 15 years ago

Zelo's is indeed *fabulous,* it's one of my favorite places downtown, it's mediterranean. I also like Palomino a lot, I know it's very close to your destination, though I don't have the exact address. It's on LaSalle, though. And, if you like SUSHI, which I am crazy for, Nami and Origami, both in the Warehouse district, are both fabuloso. Oh, and if you live "nouvelle" Mexican, Masa is good -- let's just say, it's not the Mexican food I grew up eating. Good luck and let us know where you all end up going!


about 15 years ago

Heresy! How dare you post something about another scene or nightlife on Perfect Day Duluth! You should be embarrassed! Duluth according to these people is the motherfucking epic center all things hip and trendy! 

Cliff Dwellers! Why do you allow this post on your holy board of hipness?


about 15 years ago

If you are looking for beer brewed on site after the show try Rock Bottom Brewery, it is right across the street.

Tim K

about 15 years ago

"epic center"? Really? I'd let the omission of the word "of" immediately following slide, but EPIC center? Where'd you get your edumacation, in a cereal box?


about 15 years ago


We ALL know that next to Duluth, We're superior.

If I'm "stuck" in Mpls ..jkjk ... I like Nyes!


about 15 years ago

Chris - 

My favorite place, either before for food or after for beers, is O'Donovans Irish Pub. It was sent over brick by brick from Ireland, and a lot of the staff are from the Island. 

If you're eating there they have THE best Shepherds is unrivaled by any Irish Pub in the US that I have been to.


about 15 years ago

Oh, and it's only three blocks from the State Theatre.

Chester Dark

about 15 years ago

Another vote for O'Donovan's. Azia sounds better than it is...not worth going out of your way. Now Moto-i at Lyndale and Lake sounds interesting....a Sake brewpub...


about 15 years ago

as a current tc dweller, i have to disagree with azia. it's pretty but the drinks are expensive and the food is eh. if you want sushi, go to origami. some the best (though pricey) sushi i've ever had.

i do agree with brits pub though. that's a great place.

on a fri and sat night, the area around the target center is insane. long lines to get in bars and most of them aren't worth the line. head over the bridge and go to nye's. that's the place to be.


about 15 years ago

The Times closed two weeks ago.  You could always head to Nyes's too, may have to catch a cab.  Otherwise, I like Glueks which is like a block away from target center or Grumpy's on washington.  You could always check out who is playing at 7th Street Entry, that is usually pretty interesting.  Bunkers usually has "adult" oriented live music.  You can always get on the light rail and see what is going on at whiskey junction, cabooze or the joint too or a little further walk to triple rock, palmers, the 400 or the nomad.  this website is fairly comprehensive -


about 15 years ago

I don't know why, but I didn't really like Nye's the one time I went there. It was ok, but nothing memorable. I really like Grumpy's too, though never been there at night, only for after-work happy hours. I went to a party at Club Jaeger once, it's in a desolate area north of the Warehouse District, 923 N. Washington. I liked the vibe there, and unlike the bars closer in the Warehouse District that I'm sure get too crowded with college kids, per enealio's comment, I can't imagine a problem with long lines outside this place. I really hate that Block E area, it's got too many chain-style establishments there, looks like Times Sq. I like going to the local places off the beaten track. I'm going to have to check out O'Donovan's next time I'm in the TC!

Bret Thiele

about 15 years ago

Solera is a great tapas place (9th and Henn).  If you want fine dining, try Cosmos in the Graves 601 Hotel (across from Target Center).

By the way, anyone else out there miss the REAL "Block E"?  You know, circa 1985.  Moby Dick's was the place!  And Rifle Sport!


about 15 years ago

I walk through the nuthouse that is Nicollet Mall every day on my way to and from work, and it would most likely never be my first choice for a Friday night, but if you're doing the whole "seeing a show downtown thing" plus the location of your hotel, I'd go with the downtown suggestions. It's just not worth it to take a cab or drive and park on a Friday night if you're already staying and seeing a show downtown. Have fun!


about 15 years ago

i always hit the monte carlo when i'm in the cities.


about 15 years ago

It appears that O'Donovan's closed now, too.  Either that, or they moved.  At any rate, they are no longer located at the corner of 1st & 7th, and that breaks my heart.


about 15 years ago

I'm hardly ever in the cities, but when I am, my friends always take me to O'Donovan's and I always enjoy it.


about 15 years ago

Kelli - I would sure hope they're not closed ;-) They have a music schedule for next week! I'm guessing you just missed them or they had their sign down or something. They're not particularly obvious to begin with. You scared me there for a second!


about 15 years ago

Mel, I hope you are correct and the sign was down, because I love the hell outta that place.  Maybe they were closed for cleaning or something, who knows?  Long live O'Donovan's!


about 15 years ago

Little T's.


about 15 years ago

Origami is good for sushi, but Nami is even better. Trust's reeeeaaaallly good sushi. They have a fantastic happy hour in the bar - cheap sushi and good drink specials. It's on 1st Ave. a block north of Luce'.


about 15 years ago

thanks for all the help guys.  I may need to stay an extra night to hit everything.


about 15 years ago

Per someone's suggestion, I picked up a copy of this month's Mlps-St. Paul magazine. They have a big feature on great restaurants, there are several I want to try, including one at 14th & Nicollet, "Eat Street," called BALi, Indonesian cuisine. And they rave about Barrio too. I'm so there!
P.S., thanks for the tip re Nami, Vicarious. I've only been there for lunch (with Chris M's publisher, no less!) and enjoyed it, I'll be sure to check out the happy hour specials next time I'm in the Cities.


about 15 years ago

Seven Sushi Bar


about 15 years ago

sunny side up. 
st. clair broiler
(breakfast is my fave meal.)

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