Cliff Dwellers Spin/Fact Check

As an Alien Anthropologist I think it’s worth pointing out that the original “cliffdwellers” were actually really advanced, built really amazing houses, and had some fairly sophisticated technologies and social structures. The term “cliffdwellers” doesn’t really work as an insult–it’s like saying “you advanced people who know how to build really cool houses, make great pots and baskets, feed yourselves using your own knowledge, and know how to keep mice outta the corn bin.”

Here’s some info:



about 15 years ago

See, that's what I was wondering. What's so bad about living on a cliff? I'd rather be a cliff dweller than a bottom-feeder.


about 15 years ago

I like the term myself. I love living above the Big Lake. I wouldn't call the hill I live on a cliff though.

The Big E

about 15 years ago

Of course from the standpoint of the late 19th century Superiods who started using it as an epithet, associating someone with Native Americans was more akin to saying "you bunch of dirty subhumans who should be chased off the continent."

Times change.


about 15 years ago

So is Starfire producing "Elitist Cliffdweller" t-shirts or not? This is more important to me even than the Obama family's search for a puppy to live with them in the White House!

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