Wild Rice Posts

Wild rice on the St. Louis River, piping plover habitat on Wisconsin Point, beach restoration at Barker’s Island — three videos from the Wisconsin DNR

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources has released three new videos about the St. Louis River Area of Concern, including project highlights for wild rice restoration, piping plover habitat restoration and Barker’s Island swimming beach restoration.

Minnesota wild rice, Adam, and his red canoe

Meet Adam Maxwell. He grew up in the Chicago suburbs. It took one Boundary Waters trip to hook him. Harvesting wild rice started out as a hobby; now it’s part of his daily life.

Video by Old Saw Media
Music: “Fight the Sea” by Josh Woodward

Where to Find Wild Rice in Duluth

My parents are up in town this weekend and wanted to know where to get good wild rice. They indicated they wanted cracked broken pieces and whole grain. I am by no means a wild rice expert. Can anyone help?