The Fromundas Posts

Video Archive: Fromunda Trio at R.T. Quinlan’s

The trio of Tina Ludwig-Laxen, Jay Johnson and James J. Myers Jr. performing at R.T. Quinlan’s Saloon during an open mic on Sept. 16, 1995.

Happy Record Store Day

Today is the third Saturday in April, which means that it’s officially Record Store Day. The way to celebrate Record Store Day is to go check out your local independent record stores, which in the Twin Ports means either the Electric Fetus or the Vinyl Cave.

From the official website:

A Record Store Day participating store is defined as a physical retailer whose product line consists of at least 50% music retail, whose company is not publicly traded and whose ownership is at least 70% located in the state of operation. (In other words, we’re dealing with real, live, physical, indie record stores-not online retailers or corporate behemoths).