The Black-eyed Snakes Posts

Chickenbone George holds court

“Chickbone George” Alan Sparhawk of the Black-eyed Snakes encouraged the crowd to “dance against tyranny” Saturday at Duluth Cider during the “Stand with Ukraine” concert. Charlie Parr opened the show.

Video Archive: The Black-eyed Snakes – “Chickenbone George”

From the days when digital video quality was horrific, we present the Black-eyed Snakes at the Red Lion Lounge during the Homegrown Music Festival … two amazing decades ago.

Shot by Chris Bacigalupo on May 4, 2001.

The Best of Clyde at the 2014 Homegrown Music Festival

Here are highlights from the big Homegrown 2014 show at Clyde Iron Works, (via The PlayList) featuring Actual Wolf, Southwire and the Black-eyed Snakes with Charlie Parr.

The doctor is in, and he is 11

The Black-eyed Snakes, featuring 11-year-old percussionist Andrew Olson, performing “Chicken Bone George” on April 15 at Jefferson Pub & Grill during the Mid West Music Fest.

The Black-eyed Snakes — Bo Diddley

Shot by Rich Narum on March 11 at R.T. Quinlan’s Saloon in Duluth.