nature Posts

Phyllis Root and Besty Bowen at Northern Lights Books and Gifts on Dec. 4

Children’s author Phyllis Root and illustrator and Grand Marais native Betsy Bowen will be signing copies of their new children’s book Big Belching Bog at Northern Lights Books & Gifts on Saturday, Dec. 4, from 1-2 pm.

Big Belching Bog cover

Help Me Identify This Spider

This spider moved into the overhang outside my kitchen window. I first noticed it this morning, and it’s still there tonight. It’s really hard to get a decent picture, but I did the best I could. Anybody have any idea as to what kind of spider this is, or if they’re usually around here? It’s about as big as the end of my thumb (from the knuckle to the tip). It’s huge. HUUUUUUUUGE. Right now it’s fascinating to watch, but I think I’d have to move if it ever got in.