Frank Lloyd Wright Posts

Why Frank Lloyd Wright designed a gas station in Cloquet

American architect and designer Frank Lloyd Wright designed many famous buildings, museums and houses — including a gas station in Cloquet. Twin Cities Public Television Reporter Kaomi Lee explores the architectural destination in this video.

How a Superior librarian hired and fired Frank Lloyd Wright

An article published this week in the online magazine Slate explores the letters exchanged circa 1940 between a Superior librarian, Edith Carlson, and the staff of Frank Lloyd Wright. She wanted the famed architect to design her modest home. It got as far as preliminary sketches and building instructions.

CBS Sunday Morning: Frank Lloyd Wright’s Mäntylä House

A piece of Cloquet history popped up on CBS Sunday Morning today, but it’s in Cloquet no more. Mäntylä House, designed by visionary architect Frank Lloyd Wright, has been rebuilt at Polymath Park in southwest Pennsylvania. In the video, CBS Correspondent Lee Cowan talks with the park’s proprietors, and with the Minnesota couple whose home was moved, piece by piece.

World’s only Frank Lloyd Wright service station

The R. W. Lindholm Service Station at 202 Cloquet Ave. in Cloquet, designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1956 and opened in 1958, is still in use. These photos are from late 1950s and early 1960s.