Fitness Posts

Squatting All Over Duluth

If this video by Eric Torvinen is any indication, Duluth could soon be overrun by squatters.

Price Check: Duluth-area Gym Membership


If you are anything like me, you may have fallen behind on your New Year’s resolutions (or maybe you haven’t even started.) Whether you decided to give up soda or sweets or to get a gym membership, those are big commitments to follow through with.

As April quickly approaches, it is easy to feel depressed about not achieving those resolutions. It is never too late to start though.

You may want to add some weightlifting into your routine a few days a week so your co-worker stops calling you “chicken legs.” Or, you may want to jump-start your weight loss so you feel comfortable in something other than a sweatshirt this summer.

The reason for getting a gym membership does not matter; what matters is that you start.

Here lies the 14th feature for the Price Check series where we compare prices of products and services in Duluth. The prices below reflect the monthly rate the establishment charges, with tax included, for those who sign on for a one-year membership. Various caveats are noted.

Why do you choose to bus, bike or walk?

In preparation for the fourth annual Bus Bike Walk month in May, Healthy Duluth is now collecting stories from community members who regularly bus, bike or walk as transportation.

Research shows that there are many personal and societal benefits to active transportation including physical fitness and overall well being, an improved economy and fewer vehicle emissions than driving. Many people in the Duluth community utilize these forms of transportation, and by showcasing their stories, the community will be inspired to give people-powered transportation a try.

Click here to share your story and inspire others to Bus Bike Walk.

Big & Little Yoga at Playfront Park

Yoga for adults and children together!
Saturday, July 3, 10-10:30am

Moms, dads, grandmas, grandpas, babysitters — bring the kids to Playfront Park on Saturday, July 3 at 10 am for 30 minutes of simple yoga postures, including partner poses and guided relaxation. Fun and uplifting!

Please bring a mat or towel to lie on. Big and Little Yoga is free, and a suggested donation of $5/adult will help support the Junior League of Duluth’s newest project, Kids in the Kitchen, which focuses on physical activity and nutrition for children and families.

Instructor Bonnie Williams Ambrosi is a certified Integral Yoga teacher with 20 years teaching experience, and also a mom! You can contact her with questions at grihastashrami @ or call 728-9942.