Music Posts

A Truly Superior Saturday

Walt Dizzo Bowling Party

… and after some exciting bowling – everyone is welcome to attend the musical festivities.

Walt Dizzo Birthday Show

Danger Strangers are from CA, Captain Black from TN, High Life and Cars & Trucks represent the home team

CD Release Parties


What about the Current in Duluth??!!

The MPR website recently announced a new expansion of the Current station to St. Peter. Not that I don’t love some of the stations we have around here, but it really makes me feel even further from the cultural scene to not have access to all three MPR stations. As a yearly supporter of MPR it doesn’t seem fair. If there’s anyone out there who agrees, please join me in writing to MPR to let them know how we feel.

Tommy, can you hear me?

In honor of the 40th anniversary of the release of The Who’s iconic rock opera Tommy, a group of UW-Superior faculty will be performing the LP.  The performance will be the evening of September 3rd on the UW-Superior campus.  Singers are still needed.  This is your opportunity for fame and fortune on the other side of the Bridge! If you are interested in helping out by singing a few songs, contact Joel Sipress at [email protected].  Do not let this opportunity to give us your best Roger Daltrey impression pass you by. You may not have another opportunity to sing “Pinball Wizard” in public for another decade.

Earthwood Stock

On August 29th, there will be a free, one-day music festival at the Earthwood Inn on Hwy 61, 1 mile S of Two Harbors. The festival starts at noon, goes until 1 am and includes an open jam from noon-3 pm and six bands starting at 3 pm. The lineup is as follows:

MacInnes Kitchen – Irish Music   3 pm
Black Bear Combo – Balkan Mountain Music  4:30pm
Triple J – Blues Trio  6pm
Uprising – Reggae  7:45pm
Blues Alligations – Blues/Rock  9:30pm
Stubborn Country – Country 11:15

Food (Burgers, Brats and Jerk Chicken) and Beverages (Alcoholic and Non) will be served at this outdoor festival, under the big tent at the Earthwood Inn. This is also the official Slivovitz Festival for 2009. For information, call 218-834-3847. Paul Belsito, proprietor.

Help Musicians: Fight Corporate Radio!

Fun fact: Elvis made no money from having his hits played on the radio. You see, although songwriters receive royalties from radio play, performers don’t. Think about it; for all the years you’ve heard “Louie, Louie” on the radio, Jack Ely and the Kingsmen never made a dime. (Any money they made would have been on record sales, and few people bought their albums for the sake of one song. In fact, Richard Berry, the song’s composer, offered to help out Ely, who was living in poverty.)

A bill currently in Congress, H.R. 848, is attempting to address this issue by requiring royalties be paid to the artists who recorded a song, as well as the songwriter. Needless to say, Big Radio opposes the measure, and has been running quite a few commercials lately, urging you to call your Representative, etc., to oppose H.R. 848. I’m urging you to call Senators Franken, Klobuchar, Kohl and Feingold, and Representatives Oberstar and Obey (depending on what state you live in) to SUPPORT H.R. 848.

Here are a few of the mis-truths corporate radio commercials are claiming:

  • This is a tax on radio stations. (No, it’s a royalty payment to performers.)
  • The money will go to big overseas record companies. (Only so that it can be distributed to the performers.)
  • This will kill independent radio stations. (Small, independent stations have an exemption.)

What really steams me is that this last argument was being made this morning on KDAL, a news station. Seriously! When was the last time KDAL played music?

There’s a pretty good op-ed on the Huffington Post today by Dionne Warwick about the bill. (She feels that the lack of performance royalties has hit black artists particularly hard.) The article can be found here.

Again, please call or e-mail your Reps and Senators to support H.R. 848, or at least call out the radio stations when they run their misinformation campaigns.

Aurora Baer at Carmody

Every Tuesday 9:00 -1:00 pm. Folk, blues and jazz performed with vocals, guitar and harmonica. Come check it out!

cars & trucks : pizza luce : saturday

Hibbing High School reunion makes international news

Last weekend was the 50th reunion of the Hibbing High School Class of 1959.

Why is that notable? In that class was Bobby Zimmerman, later to become Bob Dylan.

It appears Dylan did not show – but a British journalist did, and he wrote a pretty long story about it that’s posted on the Daily Telegraph Web site this morning.

Save the date… Friday July 31st



@ Teatro Zuccone
Friday July 31 – 8PM – $5


Music @ Bohemia Arts this evening

Come check out a few locals and a couple touring bands from New York! If don’t already know… Bohemia Arts is located in between Superior and 1st St. on 1st Ave W. downtown. All Ages are welcome. Click the poster for more details.



Greg Connor – “Honking Tree”

New song “Honking Tree” commemorating the White Pine cut down by vandals last April. Written by amateur songwriter Greg Connor.

25-43 and Bored? Join Life in Duluth!

In May 2009, we lauched the Life in Duluth Social Networking Group.  We’re a group of younger Duluthian who want to meet new people, try new things & have a full social calendar.   Singles & couples both accepted.

We’re over 100 members today & have been meeting for events like happy hour, bowling, hiking, biking, movies in the park, volleyball, kickball, Huskies games, concerts, etc.

If you’re a typical young, bored Duluthian, check us out & join up!

-Brian Tasky, Life in Duluth Organizer

Not a friggen thing to do with Duluth:

But in observance of Bastille Day (yesterday) here is a great little piece of animation and music.

Oldelaf – le Café