News and Current Affairs Posts

War sucks


Hoops for Healing


Earth Hour


I am a UMD student and RA on campus and recently I have been working night and day to bring ‘Earth Hour’ to UMD and Duluth Minnesota! If you don’t know about ‘Earth Hour,’ basically it is a global initiative that asks citizens to turn off the lights of their homes/businesses from 8:30-9:30 p.m. on March 28th as a way to vote ‘Earth’. If you would like to learn more about ‘Earth Hour’ the official website is

Trampled By Turtles, Bended Oak, Tangier 57 Play for the Lake

Local bands Trampled By Turtles, Bended Oak and Tangier 57 will play at the Rex on Friday, March 13 in a “Benefit for the Lake.” Proceeds from the concert will support Duluth’s McCabe Chapter of the Izaak Walton League of America in its effort to protect Lake Superior from invasive species.


The Rex Bar, Early Bird Drink Specials 8-10 p.m.

Donation: $8 Before 9 p.m., $10 after

Tangier 57: 8 p.m.

Bended Oak: 10 p.m.

Trampled By Turtles: Midnight

Duluth’s Izaak Walton League is taking on the federal government (National Coast Guard and the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service) to prompt federal protection of our shared resource (visit for more information about this effort). Minnesota and Wisconsin, have already begun taking steps to clean up ballast water, but varying regulations from state to state are likely to create headaches and confusion among the shipping industry. The current effort calls for a unified solution for this national problem. Come listen to some good music and help protect our Lake.

Coyote @ Thirsty Pagan 3/7/9

coyote napkin wall advert

It says: Coyote @ Thirsty Pagan, Sat. March 7th, 1opm


Proceeded by Marc Gartman
Followed by Teague Alexy

1623 Broadway, Superior

Smoke free.

Fashion Foward


Tickets are $20 in advance – $25 at the door

Patrick McKinnon at Carmody Irish Pub

Saver the Night @ the Score Bar with Soundwaves


High-speed train from Duluth to Twin Cities

The Federal Railroad Administration awarded $1.1 million for an environmental study into the Northern Lights Express high-speed rail line from Duluth to Minneapolis, according to an announcement today from U.S. Rep. Jim Oberstar.

Another $1.1 million will be covered by the Minnesota Department of Transportation. Engineering work for the rail line is scheduled to be done next year, with the train running in 2012.

Oberstar believes the 150-mile route will have minimal environmental impact because it will run along existing Burlington Northern Santa Fe rail lines.

“I expect this study to demonstrate a positive impact on the environment,” Oberstar said in a news release. “It will take cars off the road, and reduce air pollution and fuel consumption.”

See the full story: Northern Lights Express train receives $1 million for study

People Whose Houses Were Bombed Have Told Him They Don’t Remember Hearing Anything


The Rocky Mountain News ceased publication today. 55 days shy of its 150th birthday. The paper’s staff were informed yesterday. With the Duluth News Tribune contributing significantly to Forum Communication’s annual losses, and more layoffs looming, the RMN decision makes for an even more stunning reality.


Bobby Jindal = The New Palin


Any bets on who Saturday Night Live skewers this week?

“from Duluth to Balad” Premiere March 5th

"From Duluth to Balad" Microposter

Crispy Kale Productions (aka Michael Latsch) is premiering his new documentary “from Duluth to Balad.” The video is sponsored by Veterans for Peace, Chapter 80 and the Northland Anti-War Coalition. It goes up Thursday, March 5th at the Friends Meeting House, 1802 E. 1st St at 7:30 PM. Admission is free, and the showing will be followed by Q+A with the producer.

The documentary uses historic photos and modern combat footage to tell the story of how the wing started making deployments to Iraq in 2005. It examines the costs of that deployment, asks if Duluth can find a different way to sustain its economy.

see the trailer at Questions, contact [email protected], 218-260-7047

2009 Mother’s Day Walk/Run Registration Open

YWCA Mother's Day Walk/Run

Online registration for the 25th anniversary Mother’s Day Walk/Run is now open at

Show At Harbor City International Theatre Tommrow Night!


The Local Promo

My first promo for The Local.

Background music by Crew Jones.