vheffernan Posts

R.I.P. Duluth~Superior Magazine

Sad to see the Duluth~Superior Magazine cease publication, announced today in a Duluth News Tribune story. DSM made Duluth feel classy. Jim Heffernan comments on his blog (Jim Heffernan’s Blog) on his six year stint writing for this print magazine headed by former Duluth News Tribune publisher, Marti Buscaglia.

Native Duluthian Don LaFontaine was inspiration for the movie, In a World…

In a world where the greatest freshwater lake on the planet laps up on the shore of the Zenith City of the Unsalted Seas, there is now showing a movie that was inspired by the career of a native son – and nobody around here seems to notice. The movie is now showing at the downtown Zinema Theater. Check out Jim Heffernan’s Blog to get a run down about the movie, some good links to learn more about La Fontaine and to hear “the Voice of God.” And by the way … it’s a perfect movie.

Great Gatsby got his start in Duluth

The blockbuster movie remake of Fitgerald’s novel, The Great Gatsby, doesn’t mention Duluth … but the book does (chapter VI). Check it out on Jim Heffernan’s Blog.

Pochahontas performance stirs controversy

There appears to be some controversy about Pohahontas, an original opera to be performed this Thursday evening at 7:30 pm Marshall School Fregeau Auditorium.

The Duluth News Tribune wrote a front page (above the fold) story on Monday about one woman’s complaint concerning the opera and today’s newspaper shows a guest column and two letters to the editor in support of the opera and it’s authenticity. While the woman who is the focus of Monday’s front page DNT story purports that efforts were not supportive of the local Native American culture, others from the local Native American community claim otherwise.

The opera performance is sponsored by the local Duluth Festival Opera and is an original music drama written by a regional woman about the true story of a Native American woman caught between two worlds. It is a very moving music drama that has been successfully debuted in the state of Virginia. Thursday’s performance will be Minnesota’s debut of the music drama. A discussion will be held following the opera performance.

Help keep the arts alive and come and see this unique and lovely new music drama and judge for yourself … and weigh in on the discussion.

I Am Anne Frank

The Duluth Festival Opera presents an innovative music drama that re-visits Anne Frank’s diary in this inspiring story of a young girl standing tip-toe on the edge of her future during a time of hatred and intolerance. Produced by the award-winning Nautilus Music Theater of St. Paul.

July 21-23, 7:30 pm and July 24, 2:00 pm
Teatro Zaccone
$16 per adult/under 18 free
(218) 336-1414 or online at teatrozuccone.com

Lake Superior Nuclear Power Plant

Did you know that Lake Superior was considered for a nuclear power plant site, near Knife River, in the 1960s? It’s scary to think what might have been … but it happened. Check out Jim Heffernan’s blog to learn more.

Arts Alive in Duluth! Opera on the Lake

Duluth Festival Opera invites everyone to a fun event at Nokomis Restaurant on Wednesday, Aug. 18, from 4-6pm. See link for details: dfopera.org

Enjoy professional opera singing at table-side, delicious appetizers presented by Chef Sean Lewis, pretty views of Lake Superior and an opportunity to keep the arts alive in Duluth!

Coming up on August 22 is a free opera performance at Leif Erickson Park, also sponsored by the DFO. Spread the word and support our local arts community.