Park Point Al Posts

Ode to Spirit Mountain

Standing at the top I see the river in the distance far below
In between this mountainside is covered in a heavy coat of snow
My poles are in my hands and my favorite purple skis are on my feet
My mouth begins to water like it’s waiting for the taste of something sweet
Slipping from the edge I feel a smile slowly slide across my face
‘Cause skiing down this mountain is the closest that I’ll ever come to grace

I wrote this little ditty years ago after a day of skiing at Spirit Mountain.

Park Point Ferry

You might have seen the news story on a University of Wisconsin-Superior feasibility study of a water taxi between Barkers Island and Park Point. In what’s old is new again, I remember hearing of a ferry that used to run between Superior and the end of Park Point, when a community of summer cabins existed out there. But I can’t find any information on it, such as when it operated and where it docked on either the Superior or Park Point sides. Does anybody know where I can find any information on that?

Best Homegrown Surprise

Ultra Day at Amazing Grace. I didn’t know what to expect from a band with punk-rock roots at the Grace, but these guys were good! They matched their sound and volume to fit the venue, and even did a couple a cappella numbers.

Park Point Pirates

Hey Duluth history buffs! I heard a rumor that there were once pirates operating on Park Point, preying on ships in the harbor, and they were cleaned out in a big police raid. Does anybody know anything about this?

Fishing Superior Bay

Anybody got any good tips for ice fishing on Superior Bay off Park Point? I’ve tried it a couple times this year but haven’t had any luck. I talked to a couple people out there, but most everyone is tucked inside their fishing shelters and I hate to intrude. I’m wondering: what bait are they using? How are they rigging it? How deep are they fishing? Actively jigging or just setting tip-ups? Best time of day? I’ve heard of big walleye and even sturgeon, but haven’t seen anybody pull them up. What are they catching?